Building an Inclusive Classroom Multi-part Series
Building an Inclusive Classroom Multi-part Series
Building an Inclusive Classroom Multi-part Series
The LRC-South Online Video Module Series, Building an Inclusive Classroom is a yearlong, multi-part series that provides key classroom strategies that promote inclusive practices and support all educators. Key topics include collaboration, relationship building, differentiated & universally designed instruction, and acceptance of diversity. While the series is designed as a yearlong learning experience, each learning module can stand alone as an individual learning opportunity. Participants are invited to engage with the entire series or learning modules of the greatest interest to them.
During each of the four modules, participants will watch two short videos, explore online tools and implement what they’ve learned in their classrooms. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to join our presenters, Dr. Kerry Cormier and Johari Sykes-Ratliff for an engaging virtual meeting to discuss their experiences, seek guidance and support, and reflect about their practices.
For more information on in-person workshops and virtual meetings, please visit our Upcoming Events page.
Browse Learning Modules
Fostering Students’ Expertise
View videos exploring the theory behind culturally responsive and culturally sustaining pedagogies. In this module, participants will watch two short videos, explore online tools, and have the opportunity to participate in a live, virtual discussion to reflect upon and talk about their practice with a community of educators.
Culturally Responsive & Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies
In this video, we will explore the theory behind culturally responsive and culturally sustaining pedagogies in order to help us better understand why we do what we do in our practice. This video will help set the foundation for a better understanding of how to address culture in our classrooms.
To access resources mentioned in this video, please download the Culturally Responsive & Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies Slide Deck
Fostering Students’ Expertise
This video will explain how to take data on students’ strengths to help reframe their weaknesses in order to help them grow. Strategies will be shared that will help teachers in adopting a strengths-based perspective using the accompanying tools provided online.
To access resources mentioned in this video, please download the Fostering Students' Expertise Slide Deck
Visit our Upcoming Events page for more information about registration for:
In-person PD Session: Building an Inclusive Classroom: Moving Forward | May 22, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Using UDL to Build Students’ Strengths
In this module, participants will engage in two short videos about Universal Design for Learning (UDL), explore online tools, and have the opportunity to participate in a live, virtual discussion to reflect upon and discuss their practice with a community of educators.
Using UDL to Build Students’ Strengths
In this video, participants will learn about the background of Universal Design for Learning and how it is essential for inclusive classrooms. Key tenets and ideas from the UDL framework will be reviewed to help teachers gain a strong understanding of this inclusive framework.
To access resources mentioned in this video, please download the Using UDL to Build Students' Strength Slide Deck
Bringing UDL Into the Classroom
This video will offer several quick UDL strategies that participants can begin implementing in their classrooms.
To access resources mentioned in this video, please download the Bringing UDL into the Classroom Slide Deck
Visit our Upcoming Events page for more information about registration for:
In-person PD Session: Building an Inclusive Classroom: Moving Forward | May 22, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Understanding Microaggressions & Microaffirmations
In this module, participants will engage in two short videos to increase understanding of microaggressions and microaffirmations, explore online tools, and have the opportunity to participate in a live, virtual discussion to reflect upon and discuss their practice with a community of educators.
Building an Inclusive Classroom: Understanding Microaggressions & Microaffirmations
In the first video, participants will gain a deeper understanding of microaggressions and microaffirmations including the definitions, influences, implications, and connections to social-emotional wellbeing.
To access resources mentioned in this video, please download the Understanding and Responding to Microaggressions and Microaffirmations Slide Deck.
Building an Inclusive Classroom: Responding to Microaggressions & Microaffirmation
Scenarios will be presented, using content from the Understanding Microaggressions & Microaffirmations video, to assist participants in developing effective strategies to respond to microaggressions that they encounter in the classroom, including the application of microaffirmations. There will also be a brief review of the new Diversity Student Learning Standards and strategies will be offered to help with implementation.
To access resources mentioned in this video, please download the Understanding and Responding to Microaggressions and Microaffirmations Slide Deck.
Visit our Upcoming Events page for more information about registration for:
In-person PD Session: Building an Inclusive Classroom: Moving Forward | May 22, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Relationship Tune-Ups
In this video series and live webinar, participants will watch two short videos on relationship building and making connections with students and their families, explore online tools, and have the opportunity to discuss their practice with a community of educators.
Building an Inclusive Classroom: Relationship Tune-ups (Part 1)
Participants will learn the theory behind trauma- informed practices and develop an understanding of the impact of trauma on children’s cognition, and social emotional wellbeing. The process of relationship building will be reviewed, as strategies are shared to assist in making connections when struggling to connect.
To access resources mentioned in this video, please download the Building an Inclusive Classroom: Relationship Tune-ups slide deck.
Building an Inclusive Classroom: Relationship Tune-ups (Part 2)
This video will focus on the importance of building relationships with the family. There will be a focus on how to bring families in to develop deeper relationships with students. Several strategies will be shared to assist with implementation.
To access resources mentioned in this video, please download the Building an Inclusive Classroom: Relationship Tune-ups slide deck.Visit our Upcoming Events page for more information about registration for the following PD sessions:
Virtual Live Discussion Session: Relationship Tune-ups | April 19, 2023 from 2:30 to 3:30 PM
In-person PD Session: Building an Inclusive Classroom: Moving Forward | May 22, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM

Upcoming Events
The LRC-South provides a variety of free events and activities for educators and families.
Explore our offerings here