Implementing UDL in the Classroom
Implementing UDL in the Classroom
Implementing UDL in the Classroom
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to teaching that focuses on meeting the needs of every student in a classroom. Here are some resources to help you implement UDL in your classroom.Online Resources
6 UDL Myths (and the Facts Behind Them!) - Brookes Blog - The UDL framework holds such great promise—but with so many myths and misconceptions floating around, those three letters can seem a little mysterious. What is UDL, really?
9 Free UDL Resources Every Teacher Should Know About - Brookes Blog - A collection of a few key resources on how to create a universally designed learning environment. From podcasts to videos to creative activities, all of these learning tools are free and ready to use. Take a look and discover a new favorite go-to UDL resource.
30+ Tools for Diverse Learners | ISTE - Tools for engagement, representation, and action & expression.
Applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Supports Inclusive Education | Learning for Justice - Ensuring education is inclusive of young people with diverse needs and abilities takes intentional practice; UDL can help educators design experiences that benefit all students.
Design for Each and Every Learner: Universal Design for Learning Modules | Institute on Community Integration Publications- Designing inclusive instruction takes intentional planning and collaboration. The goal of these modules is to learn more about Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a framework developed by CAST , and how to support educators to design learning experiences that are inclusive for each and every learner.
Ed Tech and Universal Design for Learning: Because One Size Fits None | EdWeek - The UDL guidelines offer a valuable framework for educators to support all students.
Free UDL Resources: Tools for Implementing Universal Design for Learning | Novack Education - Practical Tools to Help You Implement Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Practices
Focus on UDL When Using Classroom Technology | ISTE - UDL may have started out as a way to address the needs of students with disabilities, but the goal is to help all students become expert learners, beginning with providing a flexible environment. UDL provides a road map for designing for learner variability while developing learner-centered, tech-enriched experiences.
A Guide to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with Examples - The three pillars of UDL are Representation, Engagement, and Action & Expression. Universal Design for Learning practices are based in neuropsychology and support all learners.
How to break down barriers to learning with UDL | - Offers educators practical steps for identifying and reducing their students’ barriers to learning. A downloadable chart outlining Universal Design for Learning principles for breaking down barriers is included.
How UDL Creates an Equitable Environment for Students | edutopia - Providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression creates opportunities for all students to learn.
Open Access UDL Resources - The Open Access team has created and curated resources to support the journey into UDL implementation. These include self-paced modules to expand learning and understanding; materials to support site-based protocols to deepen the team-based work; resources to support this work in early childhood settings; and classroom resources.
Tips & Free Resources - UDL | CAST - A collection of journal articles, policy statements, books, magazine and newsletter pieces, and are also contributors to radio programs, podcasts, blogs, and videos.
Tips, Tricks and Tools to Build Your Inclusive Classroom Through UDL | EdSurge - Would you want to be a learner in your classroom? Perhaps some of the activities and lessons wouldn’t resonate if you were sitting behind a desk listening to them yourself. This may be especially true in classrooms where material is presented in a one-size-fits-all format. After all, the more options students are given to complete assignments, the more likely it is they’ll find one that interests them.
UDL | EdTech Update - A collection of podcasts, blogs and articles focusing on UDL.
UDL Gears • Loui Lord Nelson - There are five key terms within the UDL Gears: Instructional leaders, learner, barrier, learning environment, and emotional relationships. The goal of UDL is to help instructional leaders create lessons and environment that promote learner agency that is purposeful, reflective, resourceful, authentic, strategic, and action-oriented.
UDL Resource Library - EALA - A variety of resources focusing on UDL design and implementation.
UDL Schoolwide Implementation Criteria | CAST - defines high-quality, schoolwide, UDL implementation. Like UDL, the criteria are data-driven, support continuous improvement, and provide multiple pathways for schools to progress through the stages of implementation.
UDL Tech Toolkit - Free technology toolkit for UDL in all classrooms.
UDL vs Differentiated Instruction (DI): The Dinner Party Analogy - What’s the difference between UDL and DI? Like UDL, DI is also an education framework based on providing options to students; however, there are some critical differences between the two frameworks.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): A teacher’s guide | - Why use Universal Design for Learning? What does UDL look like in the classroom? How can I use the three principles of UDL? How can families support this at home?
Universal Design for Learning: Challenge | Iris Center - Designing Learning Experiences That Engage and Challenge All Students. This module examines the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and discusses how educators can apply UDL to proactively design learning experiences that are flexible enough to challenge and engage all students and that promote learner agency.
Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network| UDL-IRN - Supports the scaled implementation and research related to Universal Design for Learning. Through collaboration, we support and promote the identification and development of models, tools, research, and practices designed to foster effective UDL implementation in educational environments.
Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the Needs of All Students | Reading Rockets - Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides the opportunity for all students to access, participate in, and progress in the general-education curriculum by reducing barriers to instruction. Learn more about how UDL offers options for how information is presented, how students respond or demonstrate their knowledge and skills, and how students are engaged in learning.
When Universal Design Promotes Inclusion of All Students | EdSurge News - By designing instruction that meets the diverse needs of all learners, educators can help to create an environment that is welcoming and supportive for everyone.
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