Resource Lending Library
We offer a collection of PreK-21 educational materials and resources for members to borrow.
LRC-South library resources include:
- Big Books and Story Kits
- Blocks and Dramatic Play
- Disability Awareness
- ebooks
- Fine Motor
- Flexible/Active Seating
- Gross Motor
- Health/PE
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Professional Books (education and subject based)
- Science
- Sensory
- Sign Language
- Social and Emotional Learning
- Speech
- Visual and Performing Arts
Search Our Collection Online
To find a particular resource try out the search tool to explore our library collection.
For instructions on how to use our Online Researcher download the Alexandria Researcher Guide.
Get Instant Access to eBooks
Did you know that LRC-S members get instant access to our library of Ebooks via MackinVIA! Log in with your LRC-S member number and password. Learn More
Looking for something specific or have a suggestion to add to our collection? Email

Explore our library resources and access your patron account online
Browse our resources with the Alexandria Researcher to search by title, subject, author or content area. Access your LRC-South account, view items checked out and renew resources online.
Not sure how to access your account? Select:"Can't access your account" for emailed directions.