LRC Xpress
LRC Xpress Procedure
Step 1:
Select LRC resources and/or production services and complete the LRC Xpress Request Form.
To browse our collection of resources use the Alexandria Researcher to search by title, subject, author or content area.
For production orders please review full-service options:
- Bulletin Board/Craft Paper (red, yellow, blue, light blue, green, orange, black, white, light brown - 36")
- Die cuts (View Die Cut List)
- Color Poster Printing* (Small 17"x 24", Large 24"x 33")
- Computer print-outs (Color or B&W)
- Lamination: Limited lamination services are only available for production materials created by the LRC staff at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please note: Some production services will require you to email additional information to the Quantities may be limited.
New Jersey School Pick-up Coordination: Please indicate if you are coordinating a pick-up for multiple LRC patrons at a NJ school, by completing the LRC Xpress Services - NJ Schools section. Please allow a minimum of 24 business hours for library services and at least 1 week for production services. |
Step 2:
At your confirmed date & time, pull your car into the "Pick-up and Drop-off Only" area in front of the LRC-South in James Hall on North Campus Drive. Get Directions
Step 3:
At your scheduled time, please pull up into the Pick-up and Drop-off Only area in front of James Hall and walk in through the main doors and down the hall to your left to Room 1140. If you require curbside pick-up, please call the LRC-South at 856-256-4704 to let us know you have arrived.

LRC-South Library
Explore our library resources online with the Alexandria Researcher to search by title, subject, author or content area. Access additional online resources and information through our Explore Bar.