Teaching inquiry based science is the recommendation of NGSS. Please use this list of free science resources on the web for teachers of all grade levels to assist in your planning. The array of free resources below can be used by teachers, parents, and students to continue with education in science.Resources for Science
Chemistry Activities for Kids - Features chemistry demonstrations, crafts, and projects that are suitable for kids. Some activities require adult supervision. Assembled by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Guide to Chemistry.
Disney Nature Educator's Guides - Explore Disneynature educational materials for curriculum, lesson plans and fun activities that continue the viewing experience for families and students grades 2-6 while inspiring a desire to protect the planet through connections to nature.
Explore NASA STEM - Explore fun activities to do at home.
Mystery Science - Mystery Science offers digital video mini-lessons for science subjects K-5.
NASA Climate Kids: Home - Games and activities to help students learn and understand the science around them.
NASA Kids' Club - The NASA Kids' Club is a games-based website that stimulates children's interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics by incorporating five skill levels, national education standards and NASA content.
NASA Our World - Resources providing science, engineering, and natural and designed world concepts.
Next Generation Science Storylines - Dedicated to providing tools that support teachers in developing, adapting, and teaching with strongly aligned NGSS materials in classrooms around the country.
NOAA | Just for Kids - Explore NOAA activities and resources for children.
Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Facts, Games & Projects - Enjoy learning about science with a wide range of fun experiments, facts, games, activities, quizzes
Scratch - Program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century.
StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers - Presented by NASA - StarChild is a learning center for young astronomers ages 5-13 to learn about the solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and the universe beyond
STEAM Learning Activity Sheets - STEAM Learning Activity Sheets are free online tools that guide parents, guardians, and students through hands-on learning activities taking advantage of common household items and without the need to purchase additional materials.
STEM From The Start - Designed for PreK-2 learners, SFTS uses the power of educational video to help lay the groundwork for STEM subjects by engaging children in learning that is fun, engaging and long-lasting.
USGS Learning From Home - A collection of educational resources across the grade levels from preK through college, focusing on all of the earth sciences including geology, ecology, hydrology, atmospheric sciences, and planetary sciences.
USGS Science Resources - Assembled by the U.S. Geological Survey, this site brings together resources that will teach students about Biology, Geography, Geology, Water, and more.
Wow Science - Primary Science Teaching Trust curates high-quality science resources for students ages 5-11. Browse by scientific topic or type of resource (games, activities, apps, videos, experiments, and websites). Explore resources specifically for teachers, such as lesson plans, activities, games, and discussion prompts, organized by scientific discipline.
Middle School
Atlas of the Universe - Contains maps of the universe zooming out from the nearest stars to the entire visible universe.
EarthEcho | Middle School Activities - EarthEcho International’s mission is to inspire young people worldwide to act now for a sustainable future.
Explore, Play, Discover: Websites, Activities, and More - The Exploratorium isn't just a museum; it's an ongoing exploration of science, art, and human perception. Explore the vast collection of online experiences to feed your curiosity and education resources supporting online teaching and learning
Inq-ITS - Inq-ITS is a science learning platform with simulations for Physical, Life, and Earth Science - all aligned with NGSS standards. Students engage in interactive science labs while receiving real time coaching.
EO Kids | NASA Earth Observatory - Articles and activities for audiences aged 9 to 14.
Next Generation Science Storylines - Dedicated to providing tools that support teachers in developing, adapting, and teaching with strongly aligned NGSS materials in classrooms around the country.
NJ Climate Change Educational Resources -Designed to prepare students to understand how and why climate change happens, the impact it has on our local and global communities and to act in informed and sustainable ways. The website is designed to foster an interdisciplinary approach to climate change education that is evidence-based, action-oriented and inclusive.
NOAA | Just for Kids - Explore NOAA activities and resources for children.
PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations - Free K-12 science and math simulations for teaching STEM topics, including physics, chemistry, biology, and math, from University of Colorado Boulder.
Robotics - Created by the University of Southern California, this web site is designed to help K-12 teachers and other educators in developing or improving courses that use robotics as a tool for teaching STEM topics or robotics itself. Robotics is a great way to get kids excited about science, technology, engineering, and math.
Science News for Kids - Helps students (middle school and above) stay up-to-date on scientific trends. Provides crisp, concise coverage of all fields of science daily.
STEAM Learning Activity Sheets - STEAM Learning Activity Sheets are free online tools that guide parents, guardians, and students through hands-on learning activities taking advantage of common household items and without the need to purchase additional materials.
UL Xplorlabs - An educational platform designed to encourage middle school students to solve through science. The program showcases the science behind safety engineering through interactive videos, instructional experiences, hands-on classroom activities and creative challenges.
USGS Learning From Home - A collection of educational resources across the grade levels from preK through college, focusing on all of the earth sciences including geology, ecology, hydrology, atmospheric sciences, and planetary sciences.
USGS Science Resources - Assembled by the U.S. Geological Survey, this site brings together resources that will teach students about Biology, Geography, Geology, Water, and more.
Earth & Space Sciences
Atlas of the Universe - Contains maps of the universe zooming out from the nearest stars to the entire visible universe.
NJ Climate Change Education Resources | NJDOE - Designed to prepare students to understand how and why climate change happens, the impact it has on our local and global communities and to act in informed and sustainable ways. The website is designed to foster an interdisciplinary approach to climate change education that is evidence-based, action-oriented and inclusive.
EarthEcho | High School Activities - EarthEcho International’s mission is to inspire young people worldwide to act now for a sustainable future.
EnviroAtlas Educational Materials | US EPA - EnviroAtlas offers ready-made lesson plans for every grade level, from kindergarten through undergraduate. They include four lesson modules, student handouts, supplementary activities, and teacher scripts, all of which align with all 50 state science educational standards.
Generate: The Game of Energy Choices | US EPA - Engage students in grappling with the complexities of our energy challenges in order to cultivate a deep and layered understanding of these challenges.
New Jersey Climate Education Hub - The resources you and your school need to effectively teach climate change.These comprehensive resources are built around the official NJ Student Learning Standards and expand on the work of the New Jersey Department of Education.
NASA eClips - Providing educators with standards-based videos, activities and lessons to increase STEM literacy.
NASA's Imagine the Universe! - NASA resources for students age 14+.
USGS Learning From Home - A collection of educational resources across the grade levels from preK through college, focusing on all of the earth sciences including geology, ecology, hydrology, atmospheric sciences, and planetary sciences.
USGS Science Resources - Assembled by the U.S. Geological Survey, this site brings together resources that will teach students about Biology, Geography, Geology, Water, and more.
Engineering, Technology & Application of Science
ELearning Projects - Hands-on projects are based on situations in STEM careers to help learners discover their passions and choose a pathway to a promising future.
Free STEM Education Resources | TERC - A collection of free TERC resources to help educators, parents, and students. These resources were created by our math and science education and research experts and funded by the National Science Foundation along with other funding agencies.
Amazon Future Engineer - Free computer science learning opportunities are available for U.S. students, teachers, and parents during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
Robotics - Created by the University of Southern California, this web site is designed to help K-12 teachers and other educators in developing or improving courses that use robotics as a tool for teaching STEM topics or robotics itself. Robotics is a great way to get kids excited about science, technology, engineering, and math.
STEM at Home - Hands-on learning anywhere and everywhere - Ideas, activities, and resources for hands-on, minds-on learning in the midst of uncommon education experiences.
STEM Engagement | NASA - Educational guides and activities to explore STEM based learning.
Tynker - A complete online computer coding curriculum for students K-8. Teachers impacted by COVID-19/coronavirus can get free access to Tynker’s complete curriculum, including online professional development, free lessons, projects, and more.
The Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids: 239 Cool Sites About Science - Inspires kids and teens to use their problem solving skills to find answers to impossible challenges and help shape a better future.
Life Sciences
Bioman Biology: The Fun Place to Learn Biology! - Learning and review games, virtual labs and quizzes that help to learn about cells, ecology, genetics, physiology, and much more!
BioED Online - An online educational resource for educators, students, and parents. Dedicated to biology, the site offers access to streaming video presentations and a slide library that features, among other things, exciting lesson plans and activities.
CELLS Alive! - Brings together 30 years of computer-enhanced images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology | K-12 Lessons and Activities - Free curricula and all-inclusive kits, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a wide variety of lessons and activities to captivate learners of all grade levels. User friendly, meets NGSS standards, and inspires students.
eSkeletons - Interactive models of mammal skeletons, produced by the Department of Anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin. Select a model from the menu on the home page then click on any bone in the model to view it in detail.
HHMI BioInteractive: Homepage - Real science, real stories, and real data to engage students in exploring the living world.
Learn Genetics - Multimedia activities and science labs centered on biology, genetics, and human health.
NGSS Biology - High School leveled activities for teaching Biology.
Physical Sciences
Articles by Concept | American Chemistry Society - ChemMatters magazine articles for high schoolers online. Biographies of chemists and historical articles are also available.
CanvasMol - 3D, interactive, rotating models of simple and complex molecules. There are 46 models of relatively common molecules like glucose, fructose, and morphine. Each model can be altered to show or not show bonds, to show or not show individual atoms, and to rotate on the X,Y, or Z axis.
ChemCollective - a collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, tutorials, and concept tests. Teachers can use our content for pre-labs, for alternatives to textbook homework, and for in-class activities for individuals or teams. Students can review and learn chemistry concepts using our virtual labs, simulations, and tutorials.
Chem Edx | Sharing Resources for those Moving to Online Classes - COVID 19
ChemMatters - Helps middle and high school students find connections between chemistry and the world around them.
Dynamic Periodic Table - An interactive Web 2.0 periodic table with dynamic layouts showing names, electrons, oxidation, trend visualization, orbitals, and isotopes.
LabXchange - A free platform where students and teachers can discover, create, and remix content to build their own learning journey. Contains high-quality digital resources from universities and scientific organizations worldwide … including interactive lab simulations, videos, assessments, and more.
Periodic Table - Free, interactive period table of elements.
PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations - Free K-12 science and math simulations for teaching STEM topics, including physics, chemistry, biology, and math, from University of Colorado Boulder.
Online Resources
Best Science Websites for Middle School and High School | We Are Teachers - Biology, chemistry, physics, and beyond.
Cabin Fever Astronomy | Edelman Planetarium - A new semi-weekly series of astronomy talks called Cabin Fever Astronomy! These short videos will share information about space related celebrations or things to see in the night sky.
Classroom Materials | GLBRC - Investigation units for middle and high school.
Data Nuggets - Free educational resources, co-designed by scientists and educators. Students learn about authentic science research projects, and work through an activity featuring real data from a real scientist, providing practice developing explanations about natural phenomena using data from the study.
EarthEcho STEMExplore - The Cabinet of Curiosities - Explore a collection of science and STEM related activities and information. - Find fun, high-quality STEM informal learning activities from science centers and museums from across the United States.
‘Imagineering in a Box’ Online | Disney & Khan Academy - Learn how artists, designers and engineers work together to create theme parks. Go behind the scenes with Disney Imagineers and complete project-based exercises to design a theme park.
Molecular Workbench - Downloadable open source for visual, interactive simulations for teaching & learning science.
New Jersey Center for Teaching & Learning - NJCTL helps teachers to effectively teach K -12 mathematics and science to all students with the Progressive Science Initiative® (PSI®) and the Progressive Mathematics Initiative® (PMI®). The site provides free teaching resources for a variety of STEM subjects.
Distance Learning | NSTA - Free distance learning resources from the National Science Teaching Association
NOVA Labs - A free digital platform that engages teens and lifelong learners in games and interactives that foster authentic scientific exploration.
PBS Learning Media | Resources For Lesson Plan For Science - Explore natural phenomena and scientific practices with videos, lesson plans, and interactive tools.
Physics to Go - A collection of websites where you can learn physics on your own, through games, webcasts, and online exhibits and activities. Features a collection of more than 950 websites with physics images, activites, and info. Produced by the American Physical Society.
San Diego Zoo Kids: Home - With this interactive website, you can take your kids to the San Diego Zoo no matter where you live! Students can learn exciting animal facts, explore exhibits in real time, and play fun games and activities.
Science From Home - Fun, interactive, hands-on activities that are easy to do with materials usually found at home.
Science Lesson Plans for the Classroom | Cal Academy - Here you'll find short, lively activities to focus your class trip, or full-period lessons to integrate into your yearly curriculum.
Science Lesson Plans | - Lessons created by teachers working for schools across the United States. The lessons range from elementary through high school and are organized by grade.
Science Lesson Plans | Teach.nology - Collection of science lessons and resources.
Science News for Kids - Helps students (middle school and above) stay up-to-date on scientific trends. Provides crisp, concise coverage of all fields of science daily.
SEPUP: Science Education for Public Understanding Program - Free science simulations, scientist profiles, and other digital resources for middle school science and high school biology.
Sick Science - Videos and cool science experiments from Steve Spangler and - A searchable, web-based digital library collection populated with standards-based engineering curricula for use by K-12 teachers and engineering faculty to make applied science and math (engineering) come alive in K-12 settings.
Youth Code Jam - Innovative, impactful and family-focused out of school time, hands-on computing programs for K-12 students as well as teacher professional development designed to bring computer science to every school and every classroom.
Professional Resources
Ambitious Science Teaching - Provides a vision of ambitious science instruction for elementary, middle school and high school classrooms. Ambitious teaching deliberately aims to support students of all backgrounds to deeply understand science ideas, participate in the activities of the discipline, and solve authentic problems.
Best Science Website for Teachers - OpenSciEd Classroom Materials
National Science Teaching Association | NSTA
NGSS Hub- These classroom resources—over 800 lesson plans, book chapters, videos, simulations, and more—are vetted by NSTA curators who recommend ways to adapt them to be more in line with the vision of the NGSS.
NJ Center for Teaching & Learning | Online Learning - NJCTL is a nonprofit that empowers teachers of every academic and cultural background to effectively teach K -12 mathematics and science to all students.
NSDL | NSDL - National Science Digital Library serving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.
Science Root Words – Fabio Di Salvo - In Science so many of the words that we use in our lessons are derived from Greek and Latin roots, these visual resources help enhance content based vocabulary instruction.