Learning At Home
Browse resources and learning activities that you can initiate with your children at home, including LRC-S’s Learn & Create and Content Connections series, as well as educational games, virtual field trips, and resources to support the development of language and STEM skills.
Family Learning Activities
Features content-driven resources and engaging learning activities to use at home, including LRC-South’s Learn & Create and Content Connections videos, as well as educational games and virtual field trips.
Online Resources
24 At-Home Learning Activities to Share with Parents of Young Children | The Inclusion - A collection of 24 at-home learning activities parents can use to boost their child’s academic, motor, communication, and social-emotional skills while they’re home from school.
Parent Ideas and Tips for Online Learning | Learning Keeps Going - Lessons, ideas and tips to help you guide your children in the shift to online learning. This resource is also available in Spanish.
At-Home Learning: Resources for Families | Blog - A curated list of free activities and games from PBS KIDS and more to help keep little ones playing and learning at home.
Eye Can Learn | Eye Exercises for Visual Health and School Success - Visual perceptual activities and information for parents.
Educational Games & Additional Resources
Fun Math at Home - Bedtime Math - Designed for families with children ages 3-9, this site provides fun math activities you can do together at home.
Learn & Create with the LRC-South - Make learning fun with these hands-on educational activities and helpful resources for parents and educators.
Reading 101: A Guide for Parents - Reading Rockets - Learn about typical milestones in PreK-2nd grade and find simple activities to help your child with reading and writing at home.
Reading Rockets for Parents - Tips, Q&As, videos, activities, book lists, newsletter and more designed to help parents raise good readers, writers, and thinkers. Some resources are also available in Spanish.
The OT Toolbox - Tools and Ideas for Occupational Therapists, Teachers, and Parents - Resources, tools, ideas, and activities geared toward the healthy development of kids.
Parent Toolkit | Family Institute - A one-stop resource designed to help parents and caregivers navigate their child’s growth and development from Pre-K through 12th grade in the classroom and beyond.
STEM Activities for Families - NASA JPL - A collection of family-friendly activities exploring STEM topics such as engineering, science, technology and computer science, and mathematics. Length of time (30 minutes to 2 hours) and grade levels (K-12) vary.
Storyline Online - SAG-AFTRA Foundation - Celebrated actors and actresses read children's books aloud in conjunction with creatively produced illustrations. Each story includes an activity guide for parents as well!
Survive and thrive with your young children (Ages 4–10) at home - An early childhood professor, educator, and most importantly, a mother of two active and “spirited” boys, has put together a survive AND thrive guide to support you in building meaningful time for your children and stay sane, too.
When School Is Closed: Resources to Keep Kids Learning at Home | Reading Rockets - Incredible list with lots of ideas to immerse kids in language and stories, build background knowledge, and inspire creative play.
LRC-South Library Resources
Browse our extensive collection of resources to find fun and engaging ways to connect to your child's learning at home.
STEM Resources | Story Kits | Hands-On Math | Science Activities
Academic Supports At Home
Resources you can utilize to support your child with school-assigned learning activities and assignments, including tools for time management, project planning, note-taking, study strategies, and creating a positive learning space.
Online Resources
8 Tips to Help Your Child Focus and Stay Engaged During Distance Learning | Johns Hopkins University - Eight practical suggestions to guide your child during distance learning.
22 Remote Learning Tips For Parents Helping At Home | Teach Thought - A general list of twenty-two tips to use for remote learning settings.
A Parent's Guide to Virtual Learning: 4 Actions To Improve your Child's Experience with Online Learning | NCLD - Four strategies to improve your child’s learning success during online learning.
Blast Off Tutoring - A network of students helping each other, Blast Off Tutoring providing students and student-tutors a means of connecting with each other based on appropriate needs and expertise. Sessions are free, geared toward students who are at least 13 years old, and enable student-tutors to earn community service hours for honor society requirements.
Family Guide to At-Home Learning - CEEDAR Center - This guide includes specific strategies that empower families to model new skills, provide clear directions, support their child's learning, help their child stay on task, provide meaningful feedback, and set goals for learning. Also available in Spanish.
Parents & Families - National Center on Improving Literacy - Help your child read and write with practical ideas and strategies based on what works. Explore toolkits, videos, research briefs and infographics, tip sheets, Q&A with experts, and more around topics such as beginning reading, dyslexia, remote learning, interventions, legislation, and screening.
Parent Tips and Tricks for Distance Learning | Common Sense Education
Resources for Children with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Series - NCEO & TIES - A video series for parents and families produced by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) and TIES Center, providing ideas for supporting the learning of children with significant cognitive disabilities at home. Includes topics such as routines, communication, academics, math, and reading.
Supporting the Learning of Children with Significant Cognitive Disabilities at Home - TIES Center - A video series to support families in understanding the important role they have in teaching their children. Each video centers around three guiding questions: Why is it important to focus on this with my child at home? How can I do this at home? What support can I ask for from my child's school? Topics include writing, checking progress, routines, communication, math, and reading.
LRC-South Resources
Click here to search our library collection and reserve resources via LRC Xpress → Submit Form- The Distance Learning Playbook for Parents: How to Support Your Child's Academic, Social, and Emotional Development in Any Setting by Rosalind Wiseman, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie
- Raising Kids Who Read: What Parents and Teachers Can Do by Daniel T. Willingham.
Try out our Search Tool to explore all of our resources about academic supports for children!

Monthly Learning Themes
Extend learning at home with our round-up of Monthly LearningThemes that promote appreciation for different abilities, highlight cultural diversity, and provide resources to celebrate educational and national holidays! Learn More