Support Through Partnerships
Strong partnerships with schools, parent advocacy groups, and the local community can be a significant source of support for students.Online Resources
Partnering With Schools
The family-school connection from preschool through college, featuring resources about school professionals and educational terms that you might encounter, effective communication, preparing for IEP meetings, advocating for your child, and the transition to college.
General Resources
12 Teacher Terms Demystified - NAEYC - Short explanations and examples of terms that you may hear teachers use when talking about your young child’s education.
NJ Parental Rights in Special Education | NJ PRISE - Document describing the state and federal laws affecting the provision of special education to help you understand your rights in the special education process.
Parent Resources | NCLD - The sudden shift from in-person to online learning has not been easy for all parents and kids. And for those who are entitled to (and depend upon) specialized instructional services and supports to deal with disabilities, the transition is even more complicated.
CASEL: Family-School Partnerships - Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) has a comprehensive list of resources to guide and support parents with the home and school connection all while supporting their child’s education.
College Programs for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Scholarship Opportunities - The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute - Provides information about college programs in New Jersey and scholarship opportunities that are designed specifically for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Special Education and Your Child: FAQs for Multilingual Families - Colorín Colorado - This resource highlights the beginning process of special education, your role as a family, and language concerns. Available in Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Diné (Navajo), French, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Take N.O.T.E. - Understood - A tool to empower you to gather the information you need and seek support from practitioners. Includes resources for Noticing if something's going on with your child that is out of the ordinary; Observing and keeping track of patterns; Talking with other people who help support your child; and Engaging your child to get information and explore options for what to do next.
Who's Who in Your Child's School - Reading Rockets - There are many people at your child's school who are there to help your child learn, grow socially and emotionally, and navigate the school environment. Here's a selected list of who's who, including the teaching and administrative staff as well as organizations at the district level.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
9th Grade Parent-Teacher Conference Guide - Today - Educational experts explain why parent-teacher conferences are important in high school and share tips on how families can prepare.
10 tips to make the most of your parent-teacher conference - Understood - What to do before, during, and after the conference to make the most of limited time. Also available in Spanish.
Middle School Parent-Teacher Conference Guide - Today - Educational experts explain how expectations for parent-teacher conferences in middle school differ from expectations in elementary school and share tips on how families can navigate middle school conferences successfully.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Strategies for Principals, Teachers, and Parents - A tip sheet available in English and Spanish to empower administrators, teachers, and parents to partner with one another in ways that ensure families receive the information they need to help their children and educators understand their students’ strengths and needs.
Parent-teacher conference surveys - Understood - Use these parent-teacher conference surveys to help you and the teacher understand more about each other’s perspectives on how your child is doing in school. Includes versions for parents, teachers, and children. While these surveys are geared toward primary and elementary school contexts, it could be adapted for use in middle and high school. Also available in Spanish.
Parent-teacher conference worksheet - Understood - Use this parent-teacher conference worksheet to help you figure out what you want to talk about and which questions you might want to ask. There’s also room to take notes during the conference. While this worksheet is geared toward primary and elementary school contexts, it could be adapted for use in middle and high school. Also available in Spanish.
Questions Often Asked by Parents about Special Education Services - Center for Parent Information & Resources - Answers to questions about the evaluation process, eligibility for special education services, and the development of an individualized education program (IEP). Also available in Spanish.
The Parent-Teacher Conference - Reading Rockets - A short list of questions families can ask to help set the tone for a productive and positive conference. Also available in Spanish.
Tips for Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences at Your Child’s School - Colorín Colorado - Written with families of English language learners in mind but applicable to all families, these tips include answers to frequently asked questions, and tips for what to do before, during, and after the conference. Also available in Spanish.
Parent-to-Parent Support
Resources to parent advocacy groups, including SPAN.
Online Resources
Center for Parent Information and Resources | Your Central Hub for Parent Centers Serving Families of Children With Disabilities - Webinars, e-newsletter, and other information for the network of Parent Centers partnering with families of children with disabilities.
NJ Statewide Parent Advocacy Network | NJ P2P - Parents helping parents. Giving families the skills and support they need to help their children with disabilities reach their full potential.
LRC-South Resources
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- Combating Violence & Abuse of People with Disabilities: A Call to Action by Nancy M. Fitzsimons.
- Conversations with Families of Children with Disabilities: Insights for Teacher Understanding by Victoria Puig and Susan L. Recchia.
- Empowering Students with Hidden Disabilities: A Path to Pride and Success by Margo Vreeburg Izzo and LeDerick Horne
Partnering With Your Community
Community groups that provide extracurricular activities and special interests for all ages and the transition to work and independent living for young adults.
Assistive Technology Center: AT for Work and Earning and AT for Home and Living - Success stories of people using AT and resources to support adults in finding the AT they may need for life at home or on the job.
Awards & Scholarships - NJCEC - The NJCEC Annual Scholarship Program has a limited number of scholarships for high school seniors who have a diagnosed disability, are eligible for special education, and will be pursuing post-secondary education or training. These may include 2 or 4 year colleges, technical schools, business schools, fine arts institutes, or other recognized programs.
FamilyConnect - FamilyConnect is a service offered by the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) to give parents and other family members of children who are visually impaired–and professionals who work with them–a supportive place for sharing and finding resources on raising their children from birth to adulthood.
Learning Disabilities Association of New Jersey- The Learning Disabilities Association of NJ (LDANJ) is the state affiliate of Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDAA). LDANJ is an organization of volunteers dedicated to providing information, support, and advocacy for children and adults with learning disabilities. Our members include individuals with learning disabilities, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
NJ Parent Link | Infants & Children with Special Needs - State, federal and community resources for children with special needs.
NJ Parental Rights in Special Education and Developing and Effective SEPAG
NJ Resources | The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities - Resources and links for services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Students Teaching Advocacy through Mentoring Program (STAMP) - LDANJ - STAMPNJ wants to "stamp out" feelings of shame and lack of information about learning disabilities through student mentoring and outreach to parents, teachers, and school administrators. Student leaders speak about their own learning disabilities, the importance of self-advocacy, and the value of assistive technologies through information presentations, individual coaching, and student events. Parents also have the opportunity to attend information presentations, network with other parents, and participate in parent support groups.
The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute - A resource for families of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to provide timely information and bridge the gap between services and families through advocacy, empowerment, resources, and education. Find your local county chapter or relevant support group, browse webinars and fact sheets, or explore the numerous programs they offer.
LRC-South Resources
The LRC-South Library has numerous resources to help families partner with schools, navigate the IEP process and transition planning, and understand specific types of disabilities. To explore our recommended resources on these topics, click here.
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