Paraprofessional Series

  • LRC-South Inclusive Education Paraprofessional Series

Paraprofessional Series

Paraprofessional Series

This professional development series is designed to provide paraprofessionals with effective strategies to help them better support students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. The content is organized into five modules that are aligned to the six professional standards for paraeducators as outlined by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Specifically, this series provides an overview of inclusive education and Disability Studies and provides paraprofessionals with practical tools and resources to help them remove barriers to inclusive education and to promote access for all students in schools. The Inclusive Education Paraprofessional Series is presented by the Wellness and Inclusive Services in Education (WISE) Department faculty: Michelle L. Damiani, Ph.D., Brent C. Elder, Ph.D., Justin Freedman, Ph.D., and Casey Woodfield, Ph.D. 

This series contains five sequential modules. All modules are accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides which includes links to examples, templates, and supporting articles.