Paraprofessional Series
Paraprofessional Series
Paraprofessional Series
This professional development series is designed to provide paraprofessionals with effective strategies to help them better support students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. The content is organized into five modules that are aligned to the six professional standards for paraeducators as outlined by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Specifically, this series provides an overview of inclusive education and Disability Studies and provides paraprofessionals with practical tools and resources to help them remove barriers to inclusive education and to promote access for all students in schools. The Inclusive Education Paraprofessional Series is presented by the Wellness and Inclusive Services in Education (WISE) Department faculty: Michelle L. Damiani, Ph.D., Brent C. Elder, Ph.D., Justin Freedman, Ph.D., and Casey Woodfield, Ph.D.
This series contains five sequential modules. All modules are accompanied by a PDF of the presentation slides which includes links to examples, templates, and supporting articles.
Please complete all modules in the sequence below:
Module 1 - Introduction to Inclusive Education
Module 1 - Introduction to Inclusive Education introduces several foundational concepts of inclusive education in a Disability Studies informed approach. The key concepts are used to support paraprofessionals in understanding how their roles and responsibilities contribute to the shared responsibility of everyone in schools to remove barriers to participation so all students can be meaningfully included. Participants will interact with content related to topics such as: New Jersey statistics on inclusive education, special education as a coordinated set of services, rather than a place (Module 1A), presuming competence (Module 1B), the historical and legal foundations of disability rights and inclusive education (Module 1C), and emerging understandings from the field of Disability Studies (Module 1D).
Module 1A - Introduction
Module 1B - Inclusion and Presuming Competence
Module 1C - Historical and Legal Foundation for Inclusion
Module 1D - Emerging Understandings of Disability
Links to resources included in the presentation slides below:
Module 2 - Learner Development and Characteristics
Module 2 - Learner Development and Characteristics addresses characteristics of students and common approaches to supporting students. This module will begin with an overview of categories of disability used in schools. Participants will be asked to consider the potential uses and harms of disability labels and the importance of using dignifying language when referring to students with disabilities (Module 2A). Following this overview, participants will be introduced to the concepts of strengths and needs-based approaches to supporting students. Several examples will be provided for how to address common characteristics and needs of students (Module 2B).
Module 2A - Learner Development and Characteristics Overview
Module 2B - Learner Development and Characteristics in the Classroom
Links to resources included in the presentation slides below:
Module 3 - Universal Design for Learning in the Inclusive Classroom
Module 3 - Universal Design for Learning in the Inclusive Classroom focuses on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the Inclusive Classroom. An understanding of UDL can position paraprofessionals to work collaboratively with teachers and actively contribute to creating accessible, engaging environments that support a wide range of learners by design. Participants will receive an introduction to Universal Design for Learning in Module 3A, followed by overviews and practice-based examples of each principle: Engagement (Module 3B), Representation (Module 3C), and Action and Expression (Module 3D). By the end of these modules, participants will be able to understand and incorporate UDL principles in their practice.
Module 3A - UDL Overview
Module 3B - Engagement Principle
Module 3C - Representation Principle
Module 3D - Action and Expression Principle
Links to resources included in the presentation slides below:
Module 4 - Specialized Instruction for the Inclusive Classroom
Module 4 - Specialized Instruction for the Inclusive Classroom exposes paraprofessionals to an overview of specially designed instruction (SDI) with an emphasis on introducing accommodations and modifications (Module 4A). Following the introduction, paraprofessionals will be provided with examples of how to modify curriculum across subject areas including: English language arts (ELA) (Module 4B), math (Module 4C), science (Module 4D), and social studies (Module 4E). Participants will have opportunities to create modifications on their own as a way to explore SDI more deeply.
Module 4A - Specialized Instruction: Introduction
Module 4B - Specialized Instruction: ELA
Module 4C - Specialized Instruction: Math
Module 4D - Specialized Instruction: Science
Module 4E - Specialized Instruction: Social Studies
Links to resources included in the presentation slides below:
Module 5 - Learning Environments and Behavior Support
Module 5 - Learning Environments and Behavior Support this module addresses the critical importance of developing, supporting, and sustaining positive learning environments for all students. This module begins with an overview of how behavior is constructed in schools and the foundations of multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS), positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), and social-emotional learning (SEL). Participating paraprofessionals will have opportunities to reflect on various positive and restorative approaches, as well as plan strategies that they could use with students in their practice.
Module 5 -Learning Environments and Behavior Support
Links to resources included in the presentation slides below:

Professional Learning Short Video Series
LRC-South PL Shorts is a collection of short videos with an overarching theme. Designed to be viewed as a series, or alone, these short videos provide instructional strategies and tools, templates and practical examples to integrate and support inclusive practices. Learn More

About LRC-South
The Learning Resource Center-South is here to support paraprofessionals and all educators by providing resources and materials. At the LRC-South, we support inclusive education by providing a variety of services to help students with identified disabilities, helping them to succeed and to achieve in the least restrictive environment. For more information, Click Here.