Understanding Learner Variability
Understanding Learner Variability
Understanding Learner Variability
People are different. They all have strengths and weaknesses and they all vary in how they engage with and express their learning. Variability is the rule, not the exception.. Educators can address this challenge through UDL by proactively designing learning experiences that are flexible enough to reach all learners. Variability recognizes that every student brings a unique collection of abilities and experiences to their learning.Online Resources
Designing for Learner Variability: Examining the Impact of Research-based Edtech in the Classroom - Simply providing technology may not be sufficient to improve learning; rather, the power of edtech may be in the way that technology can be used to tailor learning environments and instruction.
Learner Variability Is the Rule, Not the Exception | Digital Promise Global - School systems that use a one-size-fits-all model continue to under-serve nearly all of their students. These schools prepare young people for an industrial world that no longer exists.
Learner Variability Project | Digital Promise - Uncover strategies to meet learners where they are across varied contexts and needs.
Learner Variability Resource Library | EALA - A variety of resources focusing on learner variability.
Learner Variability Navigator | Learner Variability Project - This free tool helps you find research-based strategies that support the whole learner so you can create better learning experiences today.
The Myth of Average: Todd Rose at TEDxSonomaCounty - All learners have strengths and weaknesses. Designing systems, policies, or products- or education - based on the "average" person often leads to solutions that fit no one perfectly.
Using the Interactive Jagged Profile Tool to Understand Learner Variability - CIDDL - Every student brings with them their own jagged learner profile. It’s necessary for educators to see their learner experience is truly that- their own experience. Understanding learner variability in our classrooms plays a critical role as a prerequisite to designing instruction that supports every student.
What is Learner Variability and Why Does it Matter? | Empower the Learner - Learner variability is a term to describe all learners who enter the classroom who bring with them a unique constellation of strengths, challenges and experiences, both good and bad, that matter when it comes to learning.

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