PL Shorts: Navigating the Intersection of ADHD and Anxiety: A Parent Workshop

  • LRC-South Professional Learning Short Video Series

PL Shorts: Navigating the Intersection of ADHD and Anxiety: A Parent Workshop

PL Shorts: Navigating the Intersection of ADHD and Anxiety: A Parent Workshop with Cathy Brant, PhD and Kara Ieva, PhD

This workshop aims to provide parents with valuable insights into understanding and supporting children who experience both ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and anxiety. ADHD and anxiety often coexist, presenting unique challenges for both children and their caregivers. Through this workshop, parents will gain a deeper understanding of the intersection between ADHD and anxiety, learn practical strategies to support their child's well-being, and discover resources for further assistance.

If there’s a topic you’d like us to cover, please share your feedback and let us know what you’d like to learn more about.