PL Shorts: Universal Design for Learning in Pre-school
PL Shorts: Universal Design for Learning in Pre-school
PL Shorts: Universal Design for Learning in Pre-school with Alicia Drelick, Ed.D and Lindsay Hastings, M.A.
The following professional development videos, available in both English and Spanish versions, provide a clear overview of UDL's key principles and how they can make classrooms a more inclusive space. These videos have been developed for early childhood educators, to explore Universal Design for Learning (UDL) specific to the early childhood setting. This professional development session concludes with a challenge for early childhood educators to adopt and integrate new UDL strategies into their classrooms. Viewers are encouraged to join us for a live, virtual discussion on Wednesday, February 7th from 3:00 – 4:00 pm to engage with our facilitators and other early childhood educators in meaningful ways to support using UDL with your preschoolers!
UDL in Early Childhood Settings (English Version)
UDL in Early Childhood Settings (Spanish Version)
Supporting Documentation: