PL Shorts: Inclusion 101 for Families

  • LRC-South Professional Learning Short Video Series

PL Shorts: Inclusion 101 for Families

PL Shorts: Inclusion 101 for Families with Kerry Cormier, Ph.D. & Johari Sykes-Ratliff, M.A.

The LRC-South Online Video Module Series, Inclusion 101 for Families is a multi-part series that provides foundational knowledge defining inclusion and an overview of the legal requirements in place to support children with disabilities. Key concepts that will be discussed include: the ways in which inclusive efforts can be strengthened through collaborative school, family, and community partnerships, the parent’s rights in special education, and what to expect when engaging in the evaluation process. While the series is designed for the parents and families of children with disabilities, the learning modules provide information that all participants, regardless of role, can use within their position. Participants are invited to engage with the entire series or learning modules of the greatest interest to them. 

During each of the four modules, participants will watch four short videos, explore online tools and implement and reflect on the information gleaned.

If there’s a topic you’d like us to cover, please share your feedback and let us know what you’d like to learn more about.