CED Enrich Newsletter
CED Enrich Newsletter
LRC-South News & Events
The LRC-South is excited to partner with Rowan University’s College of Education in providing a monthly newsletter to students, faculty and staff. The CED Enrich Newsletter shares department-wide announcements, updates, publications, events, and more. Explore the tabs below to learn more about the latest LRC-South news and featured events.
About the LRC-South
The Learning Resource Center-South (LRC-South) is an NJDOE Office of Special Education grant-funded program. We promote inclusive education by integrating in-person, online, and in-district professional learning opportunities, technical assistance, family and community events, resources, and services including an educational lending library and self-service production center. A free membership to the LRC-South is available to educators, parents, pre-service educators, or anyone supporting the education of students with disabilities. When you join LRC-South, you gain access to all of this and more!
As a member of the Learning Resource Center (LRC) Network, the LRC-South works to foster the achievement of all students by supporting students with disabilities, their families, and the educational professionals who work with them as they pursue the goal of increasing opportunities and improving educational outcomes in Special Education.
The LRC Network is a free one-stop shop that provides quality instructional materials, technical assistance, professional learning opportunities, and consultation on policies and best practices in special education to families and educators of students with disabilities.
2024-2025 Monthly Issues
February 2025
Countdown is on for Institute Inclusion 2025
We are pleased to announce that we have received an overwhelming response to our 5th annual Inclusion Institute: Building an Inclusive School Community. This free, full-day professional development event will take place on Tuesday, March 18th in James Hall. The Inclusion Institute focuses on meeting the needs of all learners with an emphasis on content-area teaching, inclusive school culture, and Universal Design for Learning. The LRC-South is proud to present this program aimed at assisting educators in exploring innovative strategies and ideas to enhance their professional practice.
LRC-South Professional Development Content Consultants
Each month our Leadership Team meets with a community of professional development content consultants to help support and guide the work of the LRC-South project and ensure that professional learning opportunities align with the New Jersey Department of Education’s initiatives.

LRC-South Professional Development Content Consultants are well-respected educators who are passionate about advocating for children and youth with disabilities. These content consultants provide professional development training and technical assistance, develop online resources, prepare preservice teachers, work with practicing teachers and school administrators, attend monthly meetings, and serve as advocates for students with disabilities ages 3-21.
“The LRC-South team is grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate with a committed community of experts who possess extensive content knowledge and diverse backgrounds. These members contribute valuable insight and resources that align with and advance the mission and objectives of LRC-South.
~LRC-S Leadership Team
Interested in learning more about this community? Please reach out to Estyr Bomgardner at bomgradner@rowan.edu.
Building Confidence through Support - New Teacher Academy PLC
Throughout the year, New Teacher Academy Professional Learning Community (NTA PLC) members meet to support one another as they navigate the joys and challenges of teaching. February’s PLC meeting was the perfect illustration of the collaborative and supportive network that our PLC embodies.
“I was encouraged when a member shared that she had gained confidence after our last PLC meeting to talk with a co-teacher about a new teaching strategy. They are now in the process of trying it out in the classroom!” ~ LRC-South Staff
On February 12th, PLC members engaged in reflective dialogue exploring a variety of topics such as IEP meetings, behavior management, scaffolded supports, and strategies for developing expert learners.
Different PLC members are also given the opportunity to highlight a specific teaching strategy from their practice as Feature Teachers each month. This leadership role empowers our novice educators to develop their teacher voice while inspiring fellow PLC members to try new ideas. Maire K., one of February’s Feature Teachers and a Rowan CED alum, shared her insights on creating relatable social stories and visuals for her students. This sparked community reflection on the importance of tapping into students’ interests to strengthen rapport, motivation, and understanding of expectations.
“I enjoy these meetings because the people in them are positive and helpful. As a new teacher I just feel it’s refreshing to be around positive, excited, and driven new teachers.” - PLC Member
Register Now for Upcoming Family Events at the LRC-South
Don’t miss out on our FREE family events - registration is now open! Learn More
We can’t wait to see you at M is for Motion on Saturday, March 15th at the LRC-South,
Join us for some family fun as we look at how motion and movement are forces in everything we do - from art experiences, ramps and pathways to gross motor experiences. Don’t miss the fun that will keep us moving!
January 2025
New Year, New LRC-South Director
Happy New Year Rowan CED and welcome back for the spring semester! Please join us in celebrating the announcement of Estyr Bomgardner as the new Director of Professional Development and Education Services at LRC-South. With a wealth of experience in special education and a passion for community engagement and advocacy, Estyr is poised to lead the LRC-South into its next chapter of growth and innovation. “We are thrilled to welcome Estyr as our new Director. Her expertise is a valuable asset to the LRC Team and College of Ed community.” ~ Brie Morettini LRC-South Co-PI
Memorable Moments at the New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education Conference
LRC-South staff were delighted to attend the NJCIE 2025 Winter Inclusion Leadership Conference on January 10th at the historic Seaview Hotel in Galloway, New Jersey. With over 20 presentations spanning many facets of inclusive education, there was much to be learned and shared.
“It is always great to get the opportunity to connect with our partners from the NJDOE Office of Special Education. The Plenary Session, which examined the benefits of integrating MTSS and UDL to enhance inclusive education, set the tone for a great day of learning and collaboration.” ~ LRC-South Staff
Partnering with South Jersey Schools to Support Young Learners
Our Family Engagement and Center Coordinator, Jason Verdone, joined Clayton School District’s Early Childhood Advisory meeting at Herma S. Simmons Elementary School in January to discuss ways to help enhance preschool and early education programs.
Jason notes, "I really enjoyed attending the CECAC meeting and sharing the valuable resources from the LRC-S, informing both community members and teachers of all the valuable services that are available to them. It was also great to hear that many of the teachers were already members at the LRC and were familiar with our services.”
The LRC-South looks forward to participating in future Early Childhood Advisory meetings and is eager to provide additional feedback and ideas on ways to support the high-quality Early Childhood programs in New Jersey schools.
“Thank you LRC-South for attending the CECAC meeting and sharing your expertise with us. We hope to see you at our next meeting to discuss how to best address the top identified priorities. Thank you for your support!” - Sue, Clayton School District
A Day at the LRC Museum Family Event - Learning Can be Messy!
On Saturday, January 25th, families rolled up their sleeves at the LRC-South and engaged in activities focused on process-based art techniques. We loved the vibrant and creative collection of artwork created by our young talented artists! We know these masterpieces will be on display on refrigerators around our community.
Sign-up today for our next family event!
Last Chance to Register for Live Webinar
Join our live webinar on Universal Design for Learning for Secondary Special Area Teachers with Casey Woodfield, PhD and Katherine Vroman, PhD on Thursday, February 6th, 3:00 - 4:00 pm. Explore updated UDL guidelines and inclusive design strategies for special area teachers at the secondary level.
December 2024
Save the Date: Annual Conference ~ Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The LRC-South is pleased to announce its 5th Annual Inclusion Institute: Building an Inclusive School Community! Join us for a free full-day, in-person event focused on navigating and implementing inclusive practices for students with disabilities in P-20 contexts. Through active engagement, educators will focus on content area instruction specific to inclusive education and supporting students in the least restrictive environment. All sessions are grounded in practical strategies and ideas for educators.
Additional information and registration will be available in early February.
Be the first to know about Inclusion Institute 2025! Become a member to receive the latest updates about this event.
Giving Back Across South Jersey
Once again, the LRC-South team was happy to participate in the Office of Volunteerism & Community Engagement’s Thanksgiving Adopt-A-Family Food Basket Program. Through the SHOP’s Adopt-A-Family Program, the LRC-South can offer support to local organizations such as the New Jersey Department of Children and Families and the Boys & Girls Club of Glassboro and Paulsboro.
In addition to purchasing holiday-inspired food items and a giftcard for nonperishables, the LRC-South team included fall-themed placemats created with materials from our self-service production center.
“I am always amazed at the team’s eagerness to get involved and give back by providing donations for the Adopt-A-Family Event. Everyone has a generous spirit and truly cares about the families in our community, and it shows.” ~ LRC-South Staff
LRC Student Worker Spotlight ~ Meet Josephine!

If you have visited the LRC-South recently, you may have been greeted with a cheerful welcome from our student worker, Josephine Schrum. The Virginia native is approaching her one-year mark at LRC-South as a center assistant. “I love working at the LRC-South. I have so many opportunities to be creative, and I am always learning. While working at the LRC-South, I broadened my knowledge about working with and helping students with disabilities. I also have amazing colleagues who make coming to work fun and exciting.” ~ Josephine Schrum
Josephine is a sophomore majoring in Elementary Education at Rowan University’s College of Education. “I have always liked the idea of becoming a teacher because I really enjoyed helping others and helping people learn. I also had a very strong advocate and learned that not everyone else had that. So I decided to pursue education so I could be an advocate for students. I also want to help shape the minds of students so they can help change the world.” ~ Josephine
On any given day at the LRC-South, you will find Josephine engaging patrons, helping reshelve books and resources, and preparing new resources for circulation. “We all love Josephine! Her energy and passion for learning is contagious. She joined the LRC at the perfect time and has been a valuable addition ever since,” notes an LRC-South team member.
Bringing professionalism beyond her years, Josephine has contributed to important projects that have positively impacted the LRC community. When asked if there was an assignment that stood out she replied, “Over the summer, I had the opportunity to create a way for Rowan Community Assistants (CAs) to spend less time in the center during their limited time to prepare bulletin boards. I pre-cut three types of letters in two colors so people could come in, grab them, and leave. It was a big success, and people have been using them all semester.”
“The LRC-South provides resources for teachers, pre-service teachers, family members, and people in the community to create and borrow resources to help students with disabilities. They have a fantastic team that can help people come up with ideas. The LRC-South has so many fantastic resources to help students learn in many ways. The LRC offers books, games, flexible seating, and so much more that can be brought to students to help them along their learning process. ~ Josephine
We are excited to support Josephine and the entire preservice teacher community throughout their educational journey.
Providing Technical Assistance to NJ School Districts
In November, the LRC-South technical assistance team met with partner districts’ school leadership teams to support effective co-teaching and collaboration practices. Administrators, child study team members, and board-certified behavior analysts engaged in rich discussions to consider how to move their schools toward more inclusive practices. One district administrator shared, “The training was excellent…We left with practical strategies and resources to increase the capacity of our team and our teachers.”
Explore Monthly Learning Themes to Integrate in the Classroom
Each month the LRC-South shares learning theme activities to enhance learning and engagement in the classroom. The resources curated provide opportunities for discussion and appreciation of individual abilities, cultural diversity, and the celebration of significant events and historical events.
Explore December learning themes and resources from our lending library.
Engage in Learning During Winter Break!
Something to Do: Boost your professional learning this winter break with on-demand pre-recorded sessions available on our website!
Something to Read: Did you know that LRC-S members get instant access to our eBook collection via MachinVIA! Log in with your LRC-S member number and password. Learn More
November 2024
Our Hearts were Filled with Gold at Rowan Homecoming
Through outreach activities and events, the LRC-South aims to enhance, educate, and support the College of Education community. We achieve this by offering resources and information, along with professional learning opportunities designed to promote inclusive practices and improve student outcomes for diverse learners. We love catching up with Rowan Alumni and families each year during Rowan’s Annual Homecoming celebration - one of our favorite campus events! This year, we came ready to engage with our famous Plinko prize board, hands-on family activities including Paper Profs, and one of our most popular LRC resources - the liquid floor sensory tiles! It is always a pleasure to be a part of University Showcase alongside Rowan University’s College of Education! We had so much fun creating lasting memories with our #RowanProud Profs and loved connecting with some of our most loyal LRC members.
Supporting SEPAGs in New Jersey Schools
At the LRC-South, we support families of students with disabilities in the decision-making process to enhance student learning and participation in school activities. With parent and community engagement as a priority area of focus, the LRC-South team partners with local school districts to support Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG) meetings and special events, such as Pitman Elementary School’s Bilingual/ESL Family Success Night. Through these events, our team has the opportunity to directly connect with community members and share resources and information highlighting LRC-South services and programs.

“I love, as always, that because of the LRC, parents and students can find a way to connect with academic resources, early childhood education learning opportunities and school supports - like access to a laminator and letters for project posters. I also value, among so many things that LRC has to offer, the parenting pamphlets in English and Spanish.
One of the most beautiful moments in the presentation was when you offered to help our student Noemi, who is now on campus as a first-year, first-generation student to "please come into the LRC anytime for assistance. This showed the whole community that you are there for the ELL community from the time that they are little, coming in with their moms to access Bilingual books and Resources for English Language Learners, all the way through until they set foot on campus for the very first time as pioneers on a journey that their whole family takes with them. The community travels to campus with them, as well, because when they come back from break to share with the up and coming students all that they have learned, the younger students start imagining themselves at Rowan too.”

- Bilingual Bicultural ESL and World Languages Teacher, Pitman School District
On the Road at the NJEA 2024 Convention

We were thrilled to represent the Learning Resource Network at the NJEA Convention on November 7-8, 2024. The LRC booth was a hotspot for educators looking for information to support students with disabilities and learn more about upcoming offerings.
With special visits from CED faculty and students, the conference was the perfect networking venue to connect with education professionals and organizations that promote inclusive education across the state.

We enjoyed all the exhibits, booths, and activities that the NJEA Convention had to offer and look forward to participating next year! If you missed us at NJEA don’t worry, we have electronic versions of all of the LRC flyers and resources to share with you! Click here to learn more.
New Release ~ PL Short: Neurodiversity in Literature Video Series
Did you know that the LRC-South offers on-demand professional learning offerings online? We encourage you to check out our latest Professional Learning Short release Neurodiversity in Literature with Kerry Cormier, PhD and Madeline Boehning, M.S.Ed. This video series, designed for upper elementary, middle and high school teachers, is designed to share research and considerations for selecting books that include disability representation, particularly books that feature neurodivergent characters. Watch Now
Run, Run! As fast as you can…Register Today for our December Family Event!

We are excited to open registration for Catch Us If You Can: Family Fun with the Gingerbread Man on Saturday, December 7, 2024, 10 am -12 pm at James Hall, Rm 1119.

October 2024
LRC-South Class Work Sessions
College of Ed faculty are invited to conduct a class work session at the LRC-South. Working in our center provides a unique opportunity for pre-service educators to engage in an integrated session using LRC-South resources and materials. Through this service, the LRC-South works with faculty and preservice educators to provide an interactive classroom space with direct access to production materials and content-specific resources to support coursework focused on inclusive education practices.

One class work session we look forward to each year is designed and directed by Drs. Alicia Drelick and Brent Elder, from the WISE Department. Students in their Specialized Instruction and Assistive Technology and Transition Planning class come to the LRC-South to work directly with support-driven resources from our lending library, like text-to-speech reading pens, reading intervention programs, math manipulatives, 3D pens, and other resources that help promote modifications and accommodations for all students.
“Alicia and I decided to co-teach this course because the topics overlap so well. We use the LRC-South to ground theory in practice. So, we learn about removing barriers to participation for students with disabilities and they get to engage with LRC resources across content areas in various weeks.” ~ Brent Elder
Special Educators Engage with the LRC-South
Estyr Bomgardner, LRC-S Inclusive Education Specialist and doctoral candidate, highlights coursework from College of Ed graduate students pursuing their master's degree in special education with the LRC-S community!
Graduate students created lesson plans focused on communication diversity as part of their Communication Skills for Students with Disabilities coursework. Graduate students were asked to create lessons for their class that consider communication diversity as a natural form of human diversity, while asking their students to reflect on their personal communication preferences and styles. The lessons included movie clips or books from the perspectives of individuals who have a communication disorder or use other forms of communication like Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). They were then invited to share their work in a graduate student lesson plan display in the LRC-S production center.
Supporting the Professional Growth of Novice Teachers
Each month the LRC-South meets virtually with our New Teacher Academy (NTA) Professional Learning Community (PLC) cohort members to provide support and encouragement. October’s PLC kicked off with a book study discussion on UDL Now! A Teacher’s Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning by Katie Novak. Taking a deeper dive into Chapter 4: Recruiting & Engaging Learners as UDL Partners, cohort members shared valuable insights and ideas. Some discussion highlights included increasing engagement through student choice, student input and feedback on lessons, and supporting students’ self-awareness of themselves as learners.
One cohort member noted “We had a great discussion on how challenging it can be to include your students in the planning process and yet how necessary it is for student engagement. We found that all of us could find, in some small way, areas where we could include or provide student choice. We noticed that when we provide student choice, our younger learners are more eager and willing to engage.”
“Tonight’s PLC has also reminded me that a win is a win, no matter how small. Thank you for providing us with this community and space to share resources and experiences!” ~ NTA PLC Cohort 5 Member
For more information on the LRC-South NTA visit our New Teacher Hub to learn more!
Focusing on Families at the LRC-South
If You Take a Mouse to the LRC-South, he’ll want to say THANK YOU to all the families that attended his back-to-school story time adventure on Saturday, September 28th! We were excited to have a packed house to celebrate the new school year as families joined us for an interactive reading of Laura Numeroff’s beloved story If You Take a Mouse to School.
Young learners and their families had a blast exploring play-based learning activities, such as designing lunch boxes with open-ended art materials, using STEM skills to build apple trees, and preparing applesauce using measurement and math skills.
Details and registration for our upcoming Family Events are available on our website - click here!
Familiar Faces at the NJ NAEYC Annual State Conference
On Friday, October 4, 2024, Jason Verdone, LRC-S Family Events & Center Coordinator, did a fantastic job presenting at the 2024 NJ NAEYC Annual Conference: Innovate, Educate, Motivate: Pioneering Practices in Early Childhood Education. Thank you, Mr. Jason, for sharing your passion and dedication for making learning engaging and fun for our youngest learners! “It was great to connect with early childhood educators! I was also excited to see some familiar faces as several College of Ed students attended the conference.” ~Jason Verdone
Among the participants was also our very own NTA Cohort 4 member, Erin Davis, who stopped by the presentation to share her positive energy and well wishes.
Free Online Professional Learning for Educators
The LRC-South is pleased to announce new upcoming website offerings coming soon! Pre-recorded session titles include:
Explore our current professional learning opportunities highlighting an array of educational topics from leading voices in the field and follow us on social media to stay informed on upcoming events and release dates!
To view the full CED Enrich October Issue , click here.
September 2024
Celebrate the Start of the Academic Year at the LRC-South
The fall semester is one of our favorite times of the year because it brings renewed energy and excitement to James Hall! We are so excited to welcome Rowan students, educators, and families back to the LRC-South this new academic year. We look forward to engaging with the College of Ed community through our services and upcoming events. Stop by Room 1140 to learn more about how the LRC-South can support you!
A Record Breaking August
August was one for the books at the LRC-South! With over 750 visits to our library and production center, we were pleased to connect with local educators, Rowan students and families as they geared up for the new academic year. From developing hands-on manipulatives to exploring an extensive library of PreK-12 resources, the LRC-South was the perfect collaborative space for educators to prepare for back-to-school. A special thanks to Rowan RLUH Community Assistants, Riya and Medha, who shared the materials they created to support their residents!
Greetings from the NJDOE
During a recent visit to the College of Ed, New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) Commissioner Kevin Dehmar stopped by the LRC-South to tour the production center, resource lending library and professional development space. Alongside Dean-Jean Marie and the CED leadership team, our CoPIs, Drs. Amy Accardo and Brianne Morettini were delighted to discuss the LRC Network’s mission with Commissioner Dehmar and spotlight LRC-South’s impact within the University and across the state of New Jersey. “Commissioner Dehmer was so impressed with the range of services and materials offered by the LRC-South. We were thrilled he paid us a visit!” ~Dr. Brie Morettini
Summer Season of Professional Learning
We had a robust summer of professional learning at the LRC-South! We were thrilled to release the new online video series, Inclusion 101 for Families and Navigating the Intersection of ADHD and Anxiety: A Parent Workshop, and host a variety of in-person sessions including the NJDOE Office of Special Education’s Annual Summer Learning Institute: Progress Through Partnerships and Integrating AI in the Classroom: Strategies, Support and Critical Literacies. In August, we welcomed Cohort 5 of our New Teacher Academy (NTA) Professional Learning Community (PLC) during a dynamic three-day summer academy to support professional growth.
When asked the most valuable aspect of the program an NTA Cohort 5 member replied, “Learning about all of the resources available to me and the teaching community. Not only were there infinite items, readings, assistive technology, but there was an endless supply of support and guidance from the entire team at LRC-South. I felt an instant sense of community knowing that this is a PLC that wants and desires to exchange knowledge, experience, and information.”
Check our website for current professional learning opportunities highlighting an array of educational topics from leading voices in the field and stay tuned for the release of our 2024-2025 offerings!
Engaging LRC Families through Interactive Learning Activities
On June 18, 2024, we kicked off our six-week summer program Celebrating YOU and All the Wonderful Things You Are, where families explored beloved children’s books and hands-on learning activities across content areas connected with SEL competencies. This one-of-a-kind summer family series is always a popular event for our LRC-South families.

“The program was an excellent opportunity to develop PreK independence in a fun, educational environment. The SEL activities helped both the parents and children. Great socialization with a focus on creativity, SEL, fine motor and self-regulation. As a parent/grandparent the program helped to provide activities and ideas to bring home. Our child said, “I love my school on the last day.” I loved it too! Library tools are excellent as well.” ~LRC-South Family Event Participant
Check out our 2024-2025 Calendar of Family Events and register today for our next free family event - If You Take A Mouse to the LRC-South, A Back-to-School Storytime Adventure, September 28th, 10 am - 12 pm.
To view the full CED Enrich September Issue , click here.