B.A. Inclusive Education

B.A. Inclusive Education

B.A. Inclusive Education


What is Inclusive Education?

An Inclusive Education program prepares teachers to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Candidates will earn two state certifications in this 4-year program (120 credits total) – 1) an initial license in Elementary Education and 2) a Teacher of Students with Disabilities (TOSD) endorsement. Graduates of this program will be able to implement content-rich interdisciplinary learning experiences which address the learning needs of all students, utilizing a strengths-based perspective to differentiate and adapt instruction for individual learners. Graduates of this program will also be able to create communities of learning based on social justice and culturally relevant pedagogical practice.

Program Coordinator
Program Advisor
Kerry Cormier
Herman D. James Hall 3053
856-256-4500 x3021
Lesley Mateo
Herman D. James Hall, 2075
856-256-4420 x 65869
What makes this degree special?
  • Cohorted course sections and courses co-taught by faculty: allowing candidates to move through the program in learning teams, creating a community-based approach to teaching and learning
  • Integrated program: courses across Special Education, Elementary Education, ESL, urban education, and other program areas, which models interdisciplinary teaching used in P-12 classrooms
What can I do with my B.A. in Inclusive Education?
  • Inclusive Education teacher (K-6)
  • General Education teacher (K-6)
  • Lead teacher in Resource Room or Specialized Support Class (P-12)
  • Optional Middle School Certification (5-8) and serve as Content Area Teacher (English as a Second Language, Mathematics, Bilingual education, and more)
  • Co-teacher in either inclusive, general, or special education classroom
Program Goals

Graduates will:

  • Be able to implement content-rich interdisciplinary learning experiences which address the learning needs of all students, utilizing a strengths-based perspective to differentiate and adapt instruction for individual learners
  • Create communities of learning based on social justice and culturally relevant pedagogical practice
Program Guides

Elementary Education Specialization for Glassboro students for freshmen and transfer students admitted in or after Fall 2021

Praxis Core:

The Praxis Core requirements for the Elementary Education track:

  • Reading (5713): Score of at least 156
  • Writing (5723): Score of at least 162
  • Math (5733): Score of at least 150

The Praxis II for Special Education requirements for the Elementary Education track:

  • Special Education Praxis II (5354): Minimum score of 151

Elementary Praxis II, test (5001) (multiple subjects):

  • Reading and Language Arts (5002): passing score 157
  • Math (5003): passing score 157
  • Social Studies (5004): passing score 155
  • Science (5005): passing score 159

* To pass the Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects test you must receive a passing score on each subtest. If you wish to take all four subtests (5002, 5003, 5004, 5005) at the same time, select Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (5001) when registering. If you wish to take or retake an individual subtest, you may register to take just that subtest


edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) assesses the teacher candidate’s ability to plan lessons, deliver instruction, and assess student learning in their clinical practice classroom. This culminating performance assessment, scored externally, consists of an electronic portfolio containing a variety of artifacts and evidence to demonstrate competence in these three areas (http://www.edtpa.com/PageView.aspx?f=GEN_AboutEdTPA.html).

edTPA is required by New Jersey's Department of Education for certification. The state has set the following scoring requirements. For more information please see the NJDOE edTPA information web page.

For more information, please email: inclusive.education@rowan.edu