ASPIRE to Teach
ASPIRE to Teach
ASPIRE to Teach
The ASPIRE to Teach - Certificate of Eligibility (CE) Educator Preparation Program (previously known as alternate route) provides CE teacher candidates with experiences and guidance to develop and deliver effective instruction to their students while earning their provisional licensure in New Jersey. The curriculum centers on Universal Design for Learning, High-Leverage Practices, and Relationship-Driven Instruction. ASPIRE Lead Instructors (ALIs) work to help each teacher develop proficiency across the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers through online learning modules, video coaching, Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings, and individualized support.
ASPIRE is an online program that offers a 50 Hour Component and a fully supported two-year program with monthly PLC meetings. Before beginning the 50 Hour component all candidates must have their NJDOE Certificate of Eligibility (CE).
ASPIRE Program Steps and Information
Candidate's First Steps to NJDOE Teaching Licensure
- Contact NJDOE for requirements:
- Apply for Certification:
- Provisional Teacher Process (PTP):
Steps to NJDOE Licensure
- STEP 1: Obtain your CE through the NJ certification portal
- STEP 2: Once you have your CE or limited CE, contact ASPIRE to Teach: to apply for the Pre-Professional 50-Hour Component.
- STEP 3: Once you have completed your 50-Hour Component and have obtained a teaching position in your CE content area, you will continue with the Two-Year Program Component. Two-Year consists of 4 consecutive semesters. You must have a position as a teacher of record before applying to Two-Year.
Pre-Professional Experience 50 Hour Component
Candidates will engage in the following actives:
- 20 hours of online modules designed for planning lesson plans and classroom management.
- 20 hours of clinical experience, including at least 10 hours of planning and delivering instruction via individual or co-teaching module.
- 10 hours of orientation includes intro to our technology platforms, assessment/survey, program overview, policies, and procedures. Orientations will be scheduled as required.
Two-Year Program Component
Candidates will engage in online platforms and complete assignments connected to their work in classrooms and their development as an educator. Signature elements of the program include:
ASPIRE Online Modules/Guided Explorations
ASPIRE Video Coaching
ASPIRE Formal Monthly Check-In
ASPIRE to Teach at Rowan Program Support and Cost
Pre-Professional Experience (50 Hour Component) |
$325 |
Due at registration |
Two-Year Program Component |
$4,000/year |
Payment options available per year |
Technology Fee |
$250 |
Due at time of program acceptance |
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can you tell me if I qualify to get a CE?
- ASPIRE does not advise students on the NJDOE requirements for obtaining a CE teacher certification through alternate route nor does ASPIRE evaluate student transcripts. Please refer to the NJDOE state website
- How much of the program is online?
- All program modules and assignments are delivered online. Our Professional Learning Community (PLC) meets face-to-face monthly, typically Saturday morning. You will have the option to attend PLC meetings in-person or virtually via Zoom.
- Can I enter the program if I do not have a full-time teaching position?
- You may enter the 50-Hour Pre-Service component if you have your NJDOE Certificate of Eligibility (CE) and have met all ASPIRE application requirements. However, you must have a teaching position as teacher of record in your content/grade area before continuing with the Two-Year component.
- Does ASPIRE include job placement?
- Alternative candidates are required to seek their own employment. However, Rowan University College of Education often shares openings through their Facebook page.
- Do the same program guidelines apply to candidates teaching in a private school?
- Yes, CE candidates must meet the same requirements whether teaching in public or NJDOE approved charter/private schools.
- I have a PreK-3 NJDOE CE, can I apply to your program?
- The ASPIRE program is designed to support elementary and secondary teachers only. Please check with NJDOE for a list of providers who support candidates with a PreK-3 Certificate of Eligibility.
ASPIRE to Teach Contact Information
Register Now*:
*After registration and payment are complete, registration and materials will be reviewed and verified. Registrants will receive authorization to begin the program.