Diversity in Action Committee

Diversity in Action Committee

Diversity in Action Committee

Diversity in Action (DIA) is a dynamic, action-oriented committee focused on social justice and equity within Rowan University's College of Education and larger community. DIA collectively represents faculty from departments across the College of Education and draws on years of experience and commitment to social justice work. Faculty participants are engaged in work that ranges from supporting racial justice efforts to supporting bi/multilingual students to forging allyship with LGBTQ+ populations to addressing issues of affordability, such as textbook costs and food insecurity. 

The DIA committee, led by Co-Chairs Susan Browne and Kate Seltzer holds monthly college-wide events called Coffee, Critical Conversations, and Community (C^4). Faculty have facilitated conversations on topics such as immigration, wellness, language policies, inclusion, and antiracist pedagogies. In addition to these C^4 events, the DIA committee has created resources for the College of Education that enable faculty and staff to enact justice-oriented values in their teaching.

To contact the DIA committee, email Co-Chairs Susan Browne (brownes@rowan.edu) and Kate Seltzer (seltzerk@rowan.edu).