Student Testimonials
Student Testimonials
Student Testimonials

-Michael Foglio, World Language Education, 2023
I thought the MST program was great in preparing me for the classroom. We discussed topics that I find significant such as dealing with possibly controversial topics and whether to address them with students. I felt very supported and look back at my background in education from Rowan with pride. I also appreciated the realities we discussed of teaching in this field and that taking care of oneself and making use of boundaries is necessary. I received a job immediately and will be teaching at Camden Prep in this coming fall.
– Cristina Ma, English Education, 2023
Rowan is a phenomenal school with amazing professors that are dedicated to the success of their students. This program has helped me develop the skills needed to be a successful teacher. The program faculty and coordinators have helped me not only learn how far I've come as an educator but also have helped me realize how much more I have to learn, and thanks to them I am more than prepared to make the journey from student to teacher.
-Jake Gluck, English Education, 2023