M.A. Reading Education

M.A. Reading Education

M.A. Reading Education

To learn more about the program and the two specializations, please watch this short video.

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The Master of Arts (M.A.) in Reading Education is nationally accredited by the National Council for Accreditation in Teacher Education in conjunction with the International Literacy Association (ILA). The program prepares professionals to teach literacy to all learners and serve as leaders in supporting their colleagues in the field. Students in the program will develop a contemporary conceptual framework and evidence-based strategies appropriate for guiding literacy development in the classroom and clinical environments.

The course of studies provides students with an understanding of the basic principles of developmental reading instruction for grades pre-k-12. Students acquire advanced knowledge of the reading process. They engage in hands-on experiences in diagnosing and teaching learners with literacy acquisition difficulties. Students learn procedures for administering reading programs in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools. In their coursework and reading seminar experiences, students read and interpret current reading research, develop expertise in applying relevant findings to literacy practices in their school and classroom, and research their own practice.

We offer two specializations in the MA in Reading Education:

  • Reading Specialist
  • Reading Practitioner

Graduates who complete the Reading Specialists specialization are immediately certifiable as Reading Specialists. They will also be prepared for leadership roles in literacy and to support classroom teachers and teacher candidates in:

  • Using practices, approaches, and methods including the use of technology to increase the literacy development of all learners.
  • Selecting and administering formal and informal assessments and communicating assessment information to various audiences.
  • Using assessments to plan instruction for all students.
  • Improving their practice by exhibiting leadership skills in professional development.

The Reading Practitioner specialization is intended for those who wish to pursue advanced study in literacy education and become more knowledgeable about instructional strategies that align with the NJ English Language Arts Standards. Students in this specialization are not required to have teaching certification but are required to have access to a classroom and/or school district setting as well as a group of children to work with.

The Department of Critical Literacy, Technology and Multilingual Education maintains a highly regarded public reading clinic that provides diagnostic and remedial services to children and young adults. Reading Specialist students engage in tutoring children and adolescents who attend the reading clinic. There is an emphasis on reflective practice with colleagues and peer mentoring as part of this experience.

For students not ready to complete a master’s degree, we also offer a COGS (Certificate of Graduate Study) in Reading Education, which consists of five courses that all transfer into the MA in Reading Education.

Certificate of Graduate Study in Reading Education

MA in Reading Education: Practitioner Concentration

MA in Reading Education: Specialist Concentration

READ 30515 Literacy Foundations: Theory, Equity, & Practice

READ 30536:  Reading and Writing Processes

READ 30530 Teaching Literacy to Students with Disabilities

READ 30520:  Adolescent Literacies

READ 30545: Using Multicultural Literature in The K-12 Literacy Classroom

5 Courses

15 Semester Hours

READ 30500 Theory and Practice in Literacy Education


BLED 40510 Issues of Language and Cultural Diversity in ESL/Bilingual Programs

READ 30540: Literacy Leadership in P-12 Schools


READ 30552  Special Topics in Reading: Writing in the K-12 Classroom


BLED 40515 Understanding Immigrant-Origin Students: Language, Culture, and Mobility

READ 30550: Diagnosis of Reading and Writing Difficulties


READ 30611 Literacy Assessment


BLED 40512 Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition for Teaching Languages

READ 30560: Corrections of Reading and Writing Difficulties


READ 30547 Teaching Literacy to English Language Learners


BLED 40522 Integrating Language and Content in the ESL/Bilingual Education Classroom

READ 30570: Clinical Experiences in Reading and Writing 


READ 30557  21st Century Literacies in Today’s Schools 


BLED 40520 Planning, Teaching, and Assessment in ESL Classrooms

READ 30566: Researching Classroom Practice


10 Courses

30 Semester Hours


No Thesis

11 Courses

31 Semester Hours

No Thesis

Research Proposal Exit Requirement


Program Coordinator and Advisor
Stephanie Abraham, Ph.D.
(856) 256-4500 x53833

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