Survey Data

Survey Data

College of Education Survey Data

Alumni Survey - 2020-2021

Each year, Rowan’s College of Education seeks to gain information from our past graduates about how their Rowan program prepared them for their job.


Employer Survey - 2020-2021

The COE Employer Survey, administered one time each year, asks the employers to provide information about the Rowan College of Education graduates they supervise. The Survey asks respondents to rate Rowan graduates on their knowledge and skills directly related to the position for which they have been hired. Employers who have hired a graduate of a teacher preparation program receive the Teacher Education Employer Survey; employers of graduates from all other programs receive the Other School Professionals survey. Data collection cycles with fewer than 10 respondents have been suppressed in order to protect the identity of survey completers.


Exit Survey - 2020-2021

The COE Exit Survey, administered at the end of each semester, assesses how well Rowan prepared graduates from initial teacher licensure programs to enter their field. The survey asks program completers about their satisfaction with their course content, clinical placements, and their professional development. The survey also inquires about the likelihood of them continuing their graduate education at Rowan University. Candidates who are graduating from a teacher preparation program are asked to complete the Teacher Education Exit Survey; candidates from all other programs are asked to complete the Other School Professionals (OSP) Exit Survey