Carol C. Thompson

Carol C. Thompson

Carol C. Thompson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Carol C. Thompson, Ph.D.
Educational Leadership, Administration and Research

Contact Info
856-256-4500 x53030
Herman D. James Hall 3034


Dr. Carol Thompson earned her Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania, Program in Education, Culture, and Society; her M.Ed. from Duke University in Educational Psychology and Counseling, her M.F.A. from Tyler School of Art, Temple University; and her B.A. in English from Wake Forest University. She is an Associate Professor in Eduational Services and Leadership.

Her research interests focus on how learners develop higher-order thinking skills through adaptive expertise and social languages in contexts that range from youth organizations to teacher education and medical education.  Her work has been published in Teachers College Record, Linguistics and Education, Language, Identity and Education, and in several edited volumes including Technology and Identity: Constructing the Self in a Digital World (Cambridge University Press, 2012).  She has also presented papers extensively at international conferences.

She teaches Changing Organizations, Promoting Effective Learning, Dissertation Seminar, Action Research, and Characteristics of Knowledge Acquisition.

Publications include:

Thompson, C., & Dentino, G. (2016).  How do preservice teachers view tenure and accountability? The Educational Forum.

Thompson, C., & Bouillion, L.(2012). Building identities as experts: Youth learning in an urban after-school space. In C. Ching & B. Foley (Eds.), Technology and identity: Constructing the self in a digital world. New York: Cambridge University Press. Invited chapter.

Thompson, C. (2012). What nonformal learning for urban youth has to teach us about cognitive development and identity formation. The Educational Forum75(2).

Thompson, C. (2011). Absent audiences: Youth identity formation in preparations for performance. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 10 (1).

Thompson, C., & Crockett, F. (2022). Race, Repair, and Youth Participatory Action Research in one Rural School. The Rural Educator, 43(1) 1-12.

Thompson, C., & Opalack, K. (2020). How a student-led health professions club modeled teamwork and critical thinking for prospective health practitioners. Journal of Allied Health 48(3) e69-e72.  Online 9/1/19.

Laverty, D., & Thompson, C. (2019). Impact of the classroom learning environment on graduate health science students’ clinical reasoning. Health Professions Education.

Thompson, C. (2019) Advancing critical thinking through learning issues in problem-based learning. Medical Science Educator, 29(1) 149-156.

Thompson, C., and Patterson, J. (2019) Promoting Critical Thinking in an Online Certificate Program for Health Professions Faculty.  The American Journal of Distance Education, 33(1) 71-84.