Johari Sykes-Ratliff
Johari Sykes-Ratliff
Johari Sykes-Ratliff

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Johari Sykes-Ratliff graduated from Rowan University with undergraduate degrees in Law and Justice and Sociology. As graduation neared, Johari acknowledged her true calling of becoming an educator. This led her to the beginning of her teaching experience with educating Early Childhood children with the Camden City School District (CCSD).
During Johari’s twelve year tenure with CCSD in the Office of Early Childhood, she served in the capacities of Preschool Teacher, Master Teacher, Lead Educator/School Administrator at two schools which lead to a promotion as Lead Educator/District Supervisor. Johari furthered her educational goals by returning to her Alma Mater, Rowan University, to obtain a Master Degree in Administration and currently has State of New Jersey Principal and Supervisor Certifications.
Johari’s experiences in the Early Childhood field motivated her to consider working in the higher education field, supporting future teachers. Johari returned to Rowan University, and currently, serves as an Early Childhood Lecturer and the Initial Teacher Preparation Coordinator for the BA in Education, specialization in Early Childhood, within the College of Education, Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education Department.
Johari is an active member of several professional organizations and enjoys presenting Early Childhood content that supports the growth and development of teachers, paraprofessional staff, school leaders, students, parents and the community.
Johari’s experience in the public school environment attests to her interest to research the impact of specific federal policies on the educational outcomes of children in urban settings, in particular, Preschool through Grade 3.