John Mullen

John Mullen

John Mullen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

John Mullen, Ph.D.
Educational Leadership, Administration and Research

Contact Info


Dr. John Mullen is an Assistant Professor of Sustainability Education with joint appointments in the Department of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Research (College of Education) and the Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability (School of Earth and Environment) and he is a member of the university-wide Catalysts for Sustainability initiative at Rowan University. His research interests lie at the intersection of educational theory, the environmental humanities, and sustainability science with a particular interest in the possibilities of and conditions for an ecological philosophy of education. At Rowan, he currently teaches Educational Organizations (Fall and Spring), Earth, People, and Environment (Fall), and Education and Empowerment for Social Change (Spring). During the summer of 2023, he was the science faculty instructor in the New Jersey Scholars Program (NJSP), an interdisciplinary five-week program held at the Lawrenceville School, where he gave a series of lectures and discussions on sustainability education and advised ten research papers. He plays an active role in the implementation of the New Jersey K-12 Climate Change Education Student Learning Standards, contributing to their integration with students, faculty, and administration at Rowan University and across the state. Prior to Rowan, he was a postdoctoral research fellow with the Sustainability and Development Initiative in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. He has graduate degrees from the University of Virginia and Eastern Michigan University (with a focus on ecojustice education) and he is a certified permaculture designer.

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