Hajime Mitani
Hajime Mitani
Hajime Mitani, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Department Chair

Contact Info
Hajime Mitani is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at Rowan University and the chair of the Department of Educational Leadership, Administration and Research. Professor Mitani uses large-scale data sets and advanced quantitative methods, and conceptual frameworks from leadership and organizational research to study issues at the intersection of educational policy and educational leadership. He is particularly interested in policies and programs affecting school and district leaders. He is also interested in leadership practices that enhance organizational performance, leadership development, and leadership skill requirements for school and district leadership positions.
Some of his ongoing research projects investigate leadership skills and practices and the impacts of financial incentives on school principals. He received an AERA-NSF Research Grant for the latter project in the summer of 2021.
His research interests also include test score gaps, higher-order thinking skills, engaging instructional practices, teacher labor markets, and international and comparative education.
Professor Mitani holds a Master of Education degree in Economics and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in K-12 Educational Leadership and Policy from Peabody College, Vanderbilt University.
For more information, please visit his personal website at https://sites.google.com/site/hajimemitaniedpolicy/.