Michelle L. Damiani

Michelle L. Damiani

Michelle L. Damiani, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Michelle L. Damiani, Ph.D.
Wellness & Inclusive Services in Education (WISE)

Contact Info
856-256-4500 x53810
Herman D. James Hall 3054


Dr. Michelle Damiani received her Ph.D. in Special Education and Certificate of Advanced Study in Disability Studies, both from Syracuse University.  In her research, she uses a disability studies in education framework to explore disability as an aspect of diversity in the teacher workforce that contributes to understanding school structures, pedagogical approaches, and inclusive practices.  She is also engaged in research around developing sustainable international inclusive education practices that are culturally relevant and build capacity to inform educational settings among all education partners.  Dr. Damiani has published in journals such as the International Journal of Whole Schooling, Disability and the Global South, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Innovative Higher Education, and the Journal of International Special Needs Education.  Formerly, she was a public school elementary special education teacher and a new teacher mentor.  She has taught courses related to disability studies, inclusive special education, and inclusive teaching methods.  In her free time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, and time with friends and family.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3255-7156 

Rowan Works: https://works.bepress.com/michelle-damiani/