Student Organizations

Student Organizations

Student Organizations

College of Education's Student Advisory Council (COESAC)

The College of Education Student Advisory Council student leadership group represents students in both COE graduate and undergraduate programs. COESAC provides students with opportunities to achieve their full potential. The Student Advisory Council features current student organizations and is currently recruiting COE students to represent their programs and/or departments. 

Advisor: Dr. Corine Meredith Brown, Assistant Dean for Faculty and Student Affairs;

Below is a list of the student organizations in the College of Education:

  • ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
    This organization is designed to accelerate pre-service educators and student teachers' professional development and their self-identification as education professionals and leaders. Membership in the ASCD student chapter helps students learn how to and where they might fit into their first jobs as they transition into a career in education. Visit ASCD Student Chapter's Facebook here.

        Faculty Advisor: Mr. Quinesso (

  • Chi Sigma Iota Graduate Students International Counseling Honor's Society
    Chi Sigma Iota is the international honor society for professional counseling. Rowan University's chapter of Chi Sigma Iota, Zeta Pi, plans and hosts events for social gatherings, community outreach, and professional development initiatives. Zeta Pi also has many social media outlets to promote professional counseling events, job opportunities and alumni connections. Our chapter has a mentoring program to build connections between students. Zeta Pi brings a sense of community to the Counseling in Educational Settings program students!

        Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ieva (

  • Early Childhood Club
    The Early Childhood Education Club is is designed for those interested in Early Childhood Education but all students are welcome. At each meeting, the club discusses topics that will benefit all of the members as educators and caregivers of young children. The club hosts and participates in a variety of events to give members hands on experience working with young children and frequently invites guest speakers to give insight into the professional enviroment of educators.
  • Elementary Education Club
    The mission of the Elementary Education Club is to engage future teachers through hands-on activities, events, and speakers. The speakers who join us give insight into the field of elementary education from multiple points of view, allowing members to learn new ideas and ask questions of those they might not typically have access to. Members participate in a variety of service activities that focus on interacting with elementary-aged children. While this club is most closely aligned with Elementary Education, we are happy to have candidates from across the College who are interested in our focus and want to be involved. 
        Faculty Advisor: Mr. William Rozycki (
  • Health and Physical Education Club
    The Health and Physical Education (HPE) Club strives to develop professionalism, teamwork, and excellence in their teacher candidates. The purpose is to assist our students in becoming exceptional teachers who build relationships with fellow students, staff, faculty, and community members while advocating for quality Health and Physical Education as well as practicing healthy, active lifestyles. A variety of professional development and community/learning service initiatives are provided during each semester that fosters student participation and learning. Involvement in the HPE Program, STEAM Department, College of Education as well as interdisciplinary University projects is also a focus of the club. The club also provides a support system regarding involvement in off campus projects and professional development than include real world learning experiences.

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maria Lepore-Stevens (

  • Kappa Delta Pi
    Rowan’s Eta Psi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), International Honor Society of Education, aids in molding top educators by providing members with teaching experience, professional development, and fundraising opportunities for various charities. This honor society gives current and future teachers a chance to make a difference in their community while enhancing their own skills for the classroom. Membership is open to undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty members, and other professional educators who meet the chapter's requirements, including high academic standards (GPA or advanced degree) and/or demonstrated service. 

        Faculty Advisors: Dr. Brooke Hoffman ( and Dr. Cori Brown 

  • National Art Education Association Student Chapter
    The mission of Rowan University’s National Art Education Association (NAEA) Student Chapter is to engage future visual arts educators in activities that foster leadership skills, professionalism and a commitment to the field of Art Education. This club assists student members in attending and presenting at professional state (Art Educators of New Jersey) and national (National Art Education Association) arts educators’ association conventions. We also promote and participate in service learning activities that benefit the campus and local communities such as: A Very Special Arts Festival sponsored by EIRC; A collaborative art project for National Library Week’s theme; Art making activities with the Young Profs Club involving children with Autism Spectrum Disorders; hosting the Dept. of Art’s Portfolio Reviews; and organizing several “Empty Bowls” fundraisers for the Food Bank of South Jersey. Membership is open to undergraduates in art education or any student interested in the visual arts and being an active member. 

    Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jane Graziano (
  • New Jersey Student Education Association
    The purpose of the New Jersey Student Education Association (NJSEA) is to enhance pre-service educators’ professional development experience, create connections to powerful full-time staff, and involve them in the teacher’s union in their educational careers. Membership to this organization will provide students with opportunities to professional development, social events across the state, leadership, travel, and volunteerism" Check out our Facebook here

         Faculty Advisor: Ray Foley (

  • Secondary Education Club
    The Secondary Education Club is looking to provide professional development and networking opportunities to its members. Looking to establish itself as a prominent young club on campus, the Secondary Education Club will be taking an active role in supporting the College of Education and the community, through service projects, participation in College of Education events, and much more! We are actively seeking new members who are eager to enter the field of education, and who are interested in bettering themselves as prospective teachers.

    Faculty Advisors: Mrs. Iles ( and Mr. Eisberg (

  • Student Council for Exceptional Children
    This is an organization of students who are interested in promoting awareness of special education. The club is very service oriented, but also utilizes monthly meetings to promote information for the delegation about special education matters. They have a variety of speakers present during the year on agencies, new research, etc. They are always looking for interested students who want to get involved. Each year the club concludes the semester with a ball for individuals with Down Syndrome. A great event and lots of fun!

    Faculty Advisor: Noah Weinstein (