Monica Reid Kerrigan
Monica Reid Kerrigan
Monica Reid Kerrigan, Ed.D.

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Dr. Monica Reid Kerrigan is a Professor in the Educational Services and Leadership Department and the Community College Leadership Initiative (CCLI) liaison. She teaches in both the Educational Leadership EdD program and the PhD in Education program. Her research interests include institutional structures and public policies that influence the transition of low income students and students of color into and through higher education—particularly community colleges—and into the labor market. She also explores the methods that support research on students’ access to and success in postsecondary education.
Dr. Kerrigan’s research has appeared in academic journals and edited volumes such as: The Journal of Mixed Methods Research, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, The Qualitative Report, Teaching & Teacher Education, and Higher Education Handbook of Theory and Research. Funded projects include a baseline evaluation of Forman S. Acton Educational Foundation funded student success initiatives and program evaluations of the New Jersey Community Colleges’ College Readiness Now programs.
Dr. Kerrigan teaches courses on educational policy, community colleges, and research methods.