Wellness & Inclusive Services in Education

Wellness & Inclusive Services in Education

Wellness & Inclusive Services in Education

The Wellness and Inclusive Services in Education (WISE) Department in the College of Education offers a variety of opportunities that involve specialized student support in schools. The department offers programs in Inclusive Education, Special Education, School Counseling, School Psychology, School Nursing and Learning Disability Teacher Consultant preparation. The WISE Department offers opportunities at the undergraduate, post baccalaureate, graduate, and postgraduate levels to deepen knowledge and skills and is committed to supporting all students in schools and related community settings. We prepare teachers, counselors, nurses,school psychologists, and Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultants who require specialized content knowledge and content-specific pedagogy that support the overall wellness (e.g., academic,social/emotional, career development) of P-12 students. WISE programs require field-based assignments and clinical experiences and meet state-mandated requirements that lead to certifications and endorsements.