Office of Clinical Experiences

Office of Clinical Experiences

Welcome to the Office of Clinical Experiences

Housed within the Office of Educator Support and Partnerships (OESP), the Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE) is essential in supporting OESP’s mission of providing support to programs and initiatives related to educator preparation. This office is dedicated to ensuring that all College of Education students receive placements in school or clinical settings that meet the standards established by the College of Education, the New Jersey Department of Education and all accrediting bodies. The members of OCE work closely with faculty in the College of Education to accomplish this mission. In addition, the office is responsible for supporting candidates applying for certification through the New Jersey State Department of Education. The OCE team is committed to the College of Education’s vision, supporting clinical internship throughout their academic careers as they become reflective practitioners who use education to transform a global society.


The mission of the Office of Clinical Experiences is to support the primary objections of the College of Education by ensuring that our students are placed in schools or educational sites that will promote the development of the knowledge, skills and professional dispositions necessary to prepare educators ready to provide quality educational opportunities for all learners.


Contact us:

Rowan University
Herman D. James Hall, Suite 2019
Glassboro, New Jersey 08028
Phone: (856) 256-4727
Fax: (856) 256-5653
Office hours are: Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM