Educational Leadership, Administration & Research
Educational Leadership, Administration & Research
Educational Leadership, Administration & Research
The Department of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Research offers baccalaureate and graduate programs that provide students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to bring about transformative leadership and change that promote highly effective educational and public institutions. The department is organized around what leaders and practitioners need to know and be able to do in order to foster effective organizations that are responsive to societal needs and demands. To this end students can enroll in an undergraduate program in Leadership and Social Innovation as well as programs that lead to a doctorate in educational leadership and master’s degree and/or certificate programs. We offer a variety of accelerated modalities in our course offerings including online and hybrid programs, as well as traditional on-campus classes. All of our programs are approved by the New Jersey Department of Education and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The Department is housed in the College of Education and is located in James Hall. The Department’s faculty is mindful of adult learning needs and seeks to engage students academically, professionally, and personally. Graduates from our program include leaders in higher and PK12 education and nonprofits as well as policymakers and researcher scholars within these fields.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to create a network of leaders who will facilitate profound and meaningful change for education and nonprofit organizations. We promote the knowledge, skills, professional dispositions, global perspectives and multicultural competencies within collaborative, holistic learning-centered environments. Our highly qualified faculty, staff, and graduates integrate teaching, research, scholarship, and community service to enhance the learning, leadership and personal development of students in educational and nonprofit settings. We adhere to the highest ethical standards in preparing our students as transformative leaders and scholar practitioners.
Vision Statement
We provide the leadership, resources, and expertise necessary for leaders to empower themselves and their communities to work toward fairness. We do so by supporting our current and future leaders to develop fairmindedness practices and culturally relevant literacy.
Institutional Membership
Rowan University’s College of Education holds institutional memberships that help us continue to improve the department’s two graduate programs.
The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED)
Rowan University’s College of Education was accepted as a member institution of the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) in 2017. Headquartered at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Education, CPED is both a collaborative effort to promote excellence for the educational doctorate (Ed.D.) and a design-based research project. Through involvement in CPED, Rowan’s faculty works with consortium members as they together explore ways to continue to improve Ed.D. programs. Offered since 1997, the Doctor of Educational Leadership program was Rowan's first doctoral program. Students are educated to become reflective practitioners who not only understand and evaluate professional research and literature, but also learn how to translate research and theory into practice in order to transform educational institutions to meet society’s challenging needs. The program offers tracks in Higher Education, P-12, Nurse Educator, a Community College Leadership Initiative, and Instructional Technology. Depending on the track, the program is offered as a hybrid, online, or in a blended format.
The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA)
The College of Education joined the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) as an associate member institution in 2016. Housed at the Michigan State University’s College of Education, UCEA commits to advancing the preparation and practice of educational leaders for the benefit of schools and children, including, but not limited to, 1) promoting, sponsoring, and disseminating research on the essential problems of schooling and leadership practice; 2) improving the preparation and professional development of educational leaders and professors; and, 3) positively influencing local, state, and national educational policy. Presenting and participating in UCEA annual conventions, Rowan’s faculty works with UCEA members as they together explore ways to continue to improve the Master of Arts in School Administration program (MSA). Rowan’s Master of Arts in School Administration program (MSA) is intended for educators who aspire to become a leader in P-12 educational organizations. The aim of the program is to develop dynamic and transformational school leaders. The program offers Master of Arts in School Administration, Principal Certificate of Eligibility, and Supervisor Certification in an online format.