Educational Leadership, Administration & Research

Educational Leadership, Administration & Research

Educational Leadership, Administration & Research

The Department of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Research offers baccalaureate and graduate programs that provide students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to bring about transformative leadership and change that promote highly effective educational and public institutions. The department is organized around what leaders and practitioners need to know and be able to do in order to foster effective organizations that are responsive to societal needs and demands. To this end students can enroll in an undergraduate program in Leadership and Social Innovation as well as programs that lead to a doctorate in educational leadership and master’s degree and/or certificate programs. We offer a variety of accelerated modalities in our course offerings including online and hybrid programs, as well as traditional on-campus classes. All of our programs are approved by the New Jersey Department of Education and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The Department is housed in the College of Education and is located in James Hall. The Department’s faculty is mindful of adult learning needs and seeks to engage students academically, professionally, and personally. Graduates from our program include leaders in higher and PK12 education and nonprofits as well as policymakers and researcher scholars  within these fields. 
